Post Election Letter from the ED

HARD TIMES GOT HARDER a LETTER FROM THE E.D. Common Raven Photo: Breanna Wilson This letter from Weaving Earth’s Executive Director, Lauren D. Hage, was initially sent through our newsletter after a challenging week during the 2024 Presidential Election. It includes a message from Loam’s co-editor Kailea Loften. It lives here now in hopes that […]
Weaving Earth x Loam : A Homecoming

LOAM x WEAVING EARTH a homecoming Common Raven Photo: Breanna Wilson Weaving Earth is an organization (a.k.a. organism) dedicated to relational education for action at the confluence of environmental, social and personal systems change. In support of this goal, we have long dreamed about creating a collection of stories, media and publications that highlight our […]
Solstice Blessings: A Mid-Year Celebration

Solstice blessings a mid-year celebration Common Raven Photo: Breanna Wilson After slowing to a full stop in 2020 we have been gradually rebuilding, revising, renewing and rejuvenating. Though we’re still moving toward full capacity program-wise, this year has been chock full of programs and collaborations (some new and some old timers.) As we cross the […]
A Raven’s Favor

A RAVEN’S FAVOR Common Raven Photo: Breanna Wilson This article was written by Weaving Earth co-founder Will Scott for the California chapter of the National Audubon Society Raven’s Favor A Tale of Wild Communication: How a raven warned two hikers of a mama bear on their path. Wild Communication Communication within and amongst animal species is ubiquitous. […]
Fire and Water

FIRE AND WATER This article was written by Redbird Willie, a member of the WE Immersion Teaching Team. First and foremost, in these times of catastrophic fire, we grieve the losses that come as a result of our action/inaction in our continuing long time relationships with fire and water in California. Our California ecosystem is […]
Collapsing Into the Future’s Arms

COLLAPSING INTO THE FUTURE’S ARMS IDEOLOGICAL MIGRATIONAND THE WORK OF WEAVING EARTH This feature article, written by Associate Director Sam Edmondson, was published in the beautiful Summer 2020 issue of Loam Magazine — titled Weaving New Worlds — which features contributions from many authors, including our friends/collaborators at Queer Nature and Justine Epstein, a member of our Executive Board. While […]
What’s Needed In 2017?

Hello friends of Weaving Earth! As the New Year approaches, we’re writing to express our deep gratitude for your support over the past year. As is often the case, our year has been full of strong connections, late nights around the fire, many mysteries on the landscape, and lots of good learning and growth. And […]
Bioneers Report: What Better Time To Be Born Than Now?
To say that environmental activist Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (pronounced Shu-TEZ-caht) knows how to work a crowd is like saying the San Francisco Giants know how to play baseball. Martinez isn’t just good—he’s masterful. And he’s 14. “They say this generation has a future,” evangelized Martinez during his electrifying plenary address at the 25th annual Bioneers Conference. […]
Howling For The Wilderness Within
Note from Sam: The following is a feature story I wrote for Earthjustice over the summer of 2014. It appeared in their quarterly magazine and online. It is reprinted here with their permission. All photos were taken by me for Earthjustice, unless otherwise noted. Photo: Melodie Kauff for Earthjustice. As the Wilderness Act turns 50, […]
Relational Learning: Education in a Time of Great Turning

Written By Will Scott and Sam Edmondson We live in interesting times. On one hand, we find ourselves in the midst of a global ecological crisis. Climate change—brought on by human actions—is leading to environmental shifts that are unprecedented in their speed. On the other hand, radical developments across diverse disciplines—science, the arts, global networking, […]
Building Bridges With Bioneers
“Is climate change happening to us or for us?” The question hit me like smelling salts. I wrote furiously in its wake, careful to record Paul Hawken’s words exactly as he spoke them. Could humanity’s greatest challenge really be a good thing? Hawken seemed to say that climate change is an opportunity for humans to […]