WE envision a world of diverse, interconnected, cooperative communities who are deeply rooted in interrelationship, respect for life and a shared protection of the planet upon which we all depend. This world is beyond dominance, not because the “opposition” has been eradicated, but because there has been a concerted global effort to enact reparations and reconciliation for the oppression, trauma and systematic violence that some humans have committed against others. Through this process, ongoing legacies of violence lose their hold on our senses of self. A co-evolution of being and thinking results, which enables the flourishing of diverse cultures, supported by the emergence of a radical and ongoing practice of working together across our differences without employing domination. Love, respect, humility, interdependence and differentiation guide the way. The world’s interconnected human communities recognize that humans are one node in the web of life and also that we play a unique role in preserving life and the habitability of our interconnected cultural and ecological environments for the generations to come.
In times of great change, WE offer the strengthening of relationship as our response. Our complex, rapidly changing world calls for leaders who deeply feel the inherent interrelationship between all of life. Such leadership must be fueled by creative collaboration, deeply aware of historical and present-day patterns of oppression, and considerate of the health and well-being of many generations to come. Guided by nature, we endeavor to draw out the vital contributions we each have to make to the great work before us.
How do we educate for our times? Education today must critically engage inherited stories of separation and domination, and at the same time responsibly recollect a deeper human inheritance: stories of interrelationship, belonging, dignity and respect. From this orientation, the conditions for real systems-change begin to emerge.
Weaving Earth Center for Relational Education provides nature-based education for action at the confluence of ecological, social and personal systems change.
All of our programs:
Our organizational values have been shaped by many and will continue to evolve as we learn and grow. These are the touchstones that we return to as Weaving Earth staff, to anchor ourselves in learning and growth, and to navigate the complexity of the world to the best of our abilities. We do not present these as rules for others to follow, but as a way of letting the world know who we are and what we believe. If they inspire or challenge you, great! We see this as a living document and know it will continue to grow and change through the years.
These are the touchstones that we return to as an organization. Follow the moon cycle below:
Human domination of the Earth is inextricably linked to cultural systems that value separation and domination. As shorthand, we are calling these interwoven systems supremacy culture, recognizing that each strand has specific dynamics. Mainstream U.S. society fosters profound ignorance about how supremacy culture shapes belief, behavior, power, and opportunity. Supremacy culture is pervasive — we can’t choose whether to participate. But we can choose how to participate, which is key to systems change. The goal of the Weaving Earth Immersion is to learn how to change “the how,” supported by a community of practice in which participants explore, make mistakes, and grow through human-to-human-to-nature relationships.
There is no viable response to climate change that doesn’t also address the interwoven strands of supremacy culture. When applied with a critical lens, the tools of deep nature connection are powerfully supportive to bridging divides of power and privilege. This is messy, complex work to live into — but a future in which collaboration replaces conflict depends on it.