art for promotional graphics by Lisa Houck ©2023 // //

season 2 :: June 2025-2026

The ATTUNE program seeks to regenerate the wisdom of intuition alongside the development of tangible skills for living in and responding to the climate emergency.

ATTUNE x Season 2 weaves and blurs disaster preparedness skills for the climate emergency with ecological and spiritual technologies that invite us into emergent and prayerful response.

Through immersive study centered in ecological tracking, wildtending, somatics, fire ecology, bird language1, “auspicious attention”2, community care, craft, radical astrology, ritual storytelling, and eco-social co-liberation3, we will attune our bodies with the earth’s rhythms and languages in remembrance, prayer and action as responsible members of earth’s ecosystems.

ATTUNE is a prayer to live into the fruit of these curiosities:

:: How are we preparing to take care of each other in the weather of our times?

:: How do we practice “disaster companionship: the systems of knowledge and care that emerge from weathering the earth (and each other) in an era of planetary demise.” (jiordi rosales, The School for Inclement Weather)?

:: How do we accompany one another and the more-than-human world in the climate emergency with care and presence?

:: How do we skill-up to disentangle our power and reliability on the state?

:: How does strengthening our muscles for awe and pattern recognition encourage the qualities of attentive presence needed for these times?

:: How can we rely on the study and practice of miracles as an essential technology for disaster preparedness?

:: What if our prophets, mystics, and ancestors were also our first responders6?

:: What happens to our neural pathways, our molecules, our ways of relating, our organizing, our care work, and the places we live when we offer our attention to the patterns of the earth? How are our personal, social and ecological systems (re)shaped with this renewed attunement to the earth’s languages?

:: How does loving, compassionate presence change the quality of our mutual aid and wise action in the midst of mass extinction?

We trust that when we have access to pattern recognition and our ancestral lifeways4, we are able to collaborate with planet and spirit to instigate miraculous care in our respective bioregions for our human and more-than-human relatives.

This year-long program arc is shaped by three core forms of study and fellowship:

i. Four in-person immersive skill trainings
ii. At-home practice + study that deepens relationship with our home bioregions
iii. Intimate council calls with facilitators & fellow cohort online

The confluence of this study and fellowship offers participants eligibility in three certifications/qualifications:

Firefighter Type II


Offered in partnership with Fire Forward, this qualification takes place during Session 2, and is the entry-level fire practitioner position recognized by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. It includes self-paced, at-home course work to be completed before the in-person immersion. See Session 2 below for details.

Wilderness First Responder (WFR)


Offered in partnership with NDN Collective, Session 3 weaves the practices of Street Medic, Ecological First Aid, Wilderness First Responder, and professional Emergency Medicine. WFR certification is offered cooperatively through Backcountry Pulse. See Session 3 below for details.

Embodied Ecology


This Weaving Earth naturalist certification is a year-long, hybrid training designed to deepen ecological literacy, nature connection, and regenerative land stewardship. Introduced in Session 1 and continues throughout the program.

Attendance at all four in-person immersions and completion of at-home coursework is required to receive certification/qualification.

attune x season 1 slideshow
(photos from the first cohort, 2023-24)

PHOTOS: Dave Hage, Ciara Ali Khan

in-person* immersive skill trainings

SESSION 1: Transforming the Shape of Alarm: Care for the Ecological Nervous System
June 20th – June 27th, 2025

Fire Custodians: Interspecies Hospitality + Wildland Firefighter Type II Qualification
Oct 23rd – Oct 30th, 2025

Liberation Medicine: Wilderness First Responder (WFR) and Ecological First Aid
Mar 13th – Mar 21st, 2026

4: Wild Witness: Attention to the Miracles of Presence
June 20th – June 28th, 2026

*All in-person programming takes place at The School for Inclement Weather / Kashia Pomo Territory – Northwest Sonoma County, California 



Fri, June 20th, 2025 – Fri, June 27th, 2025

Through the study of bird language1, wildlife tracking, and liberatory somatics, our first gathering dances between outer and inner earth-tracking: reweaving the ecological nature of our human nervous system in attunement with the more-than-human nervous system —— their ripples, alarms, miracles and affects. This gathering will set a relational field for the container and ask,

:: How do we notice the presence of the birds as a bridge amplifying the nervous system of the land? How do we attune to their rhythms? How does this attunement change and liberate the shapes we have been contorted into?

:: How has the inheritance of our respective ancestral nervous systems informed what we perceive as emergency and how we respond to it? How does that shape our activism and inform our liberation?

:: How does the dissonance of colonialism and white supremacy affect the resonance of the land, and how does this disturb our ability to skillfully respond to one another and ourselves with the care and stamina required in the midst of emergency?

:: How does bowing the head in prayer with tracks in the soil and lifting the head upward toward the birds and the heavens support our co-regulation with the land? How does that co-regulation nurture interspecies hospitality: care for the bioregions we live in? How does that co-regulation disrupt harmful social conditions that hurt the earth’s most vulnerable?

Through a devotional practice of giving up our attention as an offering to the birds, the water, stars, soil, our bodies, and their attendant rhythms, we are invited to ecologize our awareness, cultivate “wild fluency”5 and root our methodologies for liberation in our deepening relationship with the earth.

Our time together at Session 1 lays the foundation for participants to embark upon a journey in Embodied Ecology, The Weaving Earth Naturalist Certification. Completion of this certification requires attendance at all 4 In-Person Immersions, as well as weekly ecological attunement practices, journal entries, and monthly check-ins with staff. This home study is estimated to be a total of 3-5 hours of work per week (designed to be connective, relaxing and enjoyable!)



Wed, Oct 23rd, 2025 – Thurs, Oct 30th, 2025

California has transformed from a fire ecology to a fire climate through the colonial suppression of fire. How do we attend to this weather? What memory of fire is the earth asking us to hold on to? What forms of coordination and technology is a fire-suppressed landscape asking us to learn anew? How do we focus our awareness to attune with fire’s patterns, rhythms, movements, and phenomena so that we can support fire as caretakers? How do these skills empower us to assist the beneficial disturbance of the earth’s elemental rage against extraction, indigenous displacement and genocide? How do we develop the janitorial art of forest maintenance as an essential interspecies hospitality needed in these times?

In this gathering participants will:

:: Practice forestry skills for fuel reduction and burn unit preparation.

:: Learn to read the weather with a Belt Weather Kit and Kestrel.

:: Practice radio communication.

:: Practice fire-tending skills: making fire from the land, fire-by-friction, fire upkeep and stealth fires.

:: Engage the contemplative, prophetic, ancestral and political implications of working with fire.

:: Complete the training standards necessary to be qualified as NWCG Wildland Firefighter Type II* — the entry-level fire practitioner position recognized by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. This session includes Extended S-130 Field Day and certified instructor sign off. We will focus on knowledge systems for disaster response, fire behavior, fire effects, weather patterns, cultural protocol for burning in Kashia Pomo territory, safety protocol, fire sciences, techniques for working on the fireline, and ignitions.**

*FireFighter Type II Qualification (FFT2) requires five online prerequisite classes that must be completed ahead of the in-person training. This requires a time commitment of 30-40 hours of self-paced online learning. You will need to share a certificate of completion for the online coursework ahead of the October ‘25 immersion. The in-person session will review and expand on material covered by the online modules. Please note that the FFT2 requires a 3-mile pack test (arduous) with a 45 lb. pack. There is an option to complete the pack test ahead of the in-person ATTUNE session. If you would like to apply for ATTUNE without completing the additional online classes or pack test required for FFT2 qualification, you will still be considered. However, priority will be granted to those seeking qualification.

**Please note that, weather permitting, we will work with live fire for prescribed burning at either The School for Inclement Weather or at a different local site. Burning can potentially introduce large amounts of smoke. Please take this into consideration when applying if smoke is a contraindication to your health.


LIBERATION MEDICINE: WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER & ECOLOGICAL FIRST AID Fri, Mar 13th, 2026 – Sat, Mar 21st, 2026 Led in partnership with NDN Collective’s Community Care Team (CCT), Session 3 is designed to build autonomous healing practices and competencies in our communities orienting to liberation. Anywhere can quickly become a survival situation, and the skills delivered in this session empower people to offer potentially life-saving support in a myriad of circumstances. We will incorporate and rely on the practices we have received during the first half of the program to empower our third gathering. Session 3 will weave NDN’s Community Care Curriculum with a Certification in Wilderness First Responder (WFR)*, and skills in ecological first aid (think herbal medicine, finding clean water, staying warm and cool, sanitation, etc.). NDN’s Community Care Team collaborates with health practitioners to integrate lessons from different methodologies, including Street Medic and professional Emergency Medicine. The course is designed to meet and exceed current training standards for Bleeding Control, WFR, and Street Medic. We will work with these questions as a part of the training and our collective capacity-building:
:: What happens when municipal aid cannot arrive? What happens when systems collapse, communications fail, and/or roadways are blocked? :: How does a posture of contemplation and attunement support us in staying present when we are in an emergency situation? How do we approach these skills from a place of spiritual discipline? :: What medicines and healing practices nourished our ancestors and still live in our cellular memory? :: How do we recognize, collaborate with and rely on the earth’s hospitable medicine to protect our community as we defend the sacred? :: How do we rely on our attunement practices with earth, prayer and presence to support our nervous systems in the midst of emergency?
NDN’s Community Care courses seek to increase our communities’ capacities for self-sufficiency and lessen our reliance on systems that continually dehumanize and harm our peoples. The curriculum embraces and upholds traditional knowledge, popular education, and community empowerment while cultivating care models beyond capitalist, colonial, militaristic, and authoritarian approaches to community health. We will consider scenarios and emergencies encountered in civil disobedience, protest, and direct actions, especially within the context of efforts to protect the sacred. First-aid programs can be intense and activating to the nervous system – especially the in-person scenarios. We will use this session as an opportunity to engage the great intelligence and sensorium of our nervous systems and practice our tools of somatic co-regulation with each other and with the more-than-human world. (see the “More Considerations for the WFR” section below for additional info) * This training will utilize NDN’s Community Care program curricula in cooperation with WFR curricula and certification through Backcountry Pulse. The 80-hour hybrid WFR certification will be completed through 45 hrs of in-person training and 40 hours of remote, self-paced, asynchronous learning. The 40 hours of remote work includes a CPR certification. To receive the WFR certification, applicants need to complete this remote work and share your certificate of completion before Session 3. If you would like to apply for ATTUNE without completing the additional online classes or CPR cert required for the WFR certification before Session 3, you will still be considered. However, priority will be granted to those seeking a certification.


Culture of Consent

Community Care means building a culture of consent in all of our actions. During this training, we will learn about different types of consent in the field, but it is crucial that we cultivate radical consent with each other as well. Consent must be given prior to all physical contact or interactive practice and can also be revoked at any time.

Once we are in person together, we will have more in-depth conversations about the group’s comfort levels with hands-on skills such as rolling, carrying, and moving each other as “patients” and “medics” during the group agreements.

Realistic Scenarios

This training is geared towards preparing you to respond to first-aid needs, including life-threatening physical trauma. Due to the nature of the material, several of the scenarios will involve graphic physical injuries. We will train with simulation devices that mimic serious injuries. They have a realistic look and use simulated blood (fake blood will come out of the device that is, oftentimes, attached to a live person’s body).

Hands-On Practice

In order to create realistic scenarios, it will be ideal for participants to practice skills with each other, alternating between acting out the “patient” and “medic” roles. Participants will have the opportunity to apply make-up and other “serious injury simulation devices” to help create a more realistic feeling to the scenarios. We encourage folks to bring clothing they do not mind being destroyed or stained because the simulated blood may stain clothing, and we will practice utilizing trauma shears to cut clothing and locate bleeding sources. No participants will be exposed as the devices are layered over a base set of clothing and under a top layer of clothing.

There will also be the opportunity to practice eye flushes for chemical decontamination with saline and water. Your hair, face, and clothes will get wet during this exercise, so please bring a change of clothes.



Sat, June 20th, 2026 – Sun, June 28th, 2026

This final gathering is dedicated to practices of incorporation and honoring the transitions we have undergone – be they subtle and/or momentous; personal and/or collective; complete or still unfolding. Through devotional practice and skill trainings, we were invited to ecologize our awareness, cultivate wild fluency5 and root our methodologies for liberation in our deepening relationship with the earth.

Session Four weaves ritual storytelling, performance and craft to deepen in our attunement practices, witness the weather between us, celebrate this particular arc of our journeys, and prepare ourselves for the mystery ahead. We will invite participants into intentional solo time on the land and invoke an emergent celebration of our interdependence with all of life.

Together we will consider:

:: How do my (and our) gifts seek to meet the weather of our times?

:: How have we been shaped by the practices that drew us into a deeper relationship with the inner and outer earth body (and the consciousness that unites them)?

:: How has radical hospitality for multi-species habitats nurtured our capacity to care for one another and support resilience through our changing climate?

:: How are we shaped when we reclaim our attention as our own, and then offer it to the interconnected aliveness of the planet?

:: How do we express, mark and honor the renewal and protection of our attunement?

:: How do our prayers for multi-species thriving inform our actions as wise caretakers on this planet?

:: What does our grief, our contradictions, our awe, our relationship to mystery (and the threads that connect them) reveal?

:: What happens to our attention and our soma when we invite the power of the witness forward?

Practices during this session will serve as a meditation toward these curiosities and reflections.

at home practice and study


The at-home practice and study component of ATTUNE weaves together:

:: Group Zooms:

There will be one group Zoom (4 total) prior to each in-person session to check-in and prepare for course content and logistics.

This begins with a two-hour Orientation Call on June 10th, 2025, prior to Session 1.

Dates and links will be outlined in a welcome packet upon acceptance into the program.

:: Office Hours:

Small group calls (1 hour) with rotating staff will offer an intimate space (up to 6 people) to connect, share stories from our home studies, get support from facilitators, and learn from each other’s experiences. The staff team will offer these calls on a rotating schedule so that there will be 2 calls offered each week; Participants are asked to signup for at least one call per month.

These calls will also serve as checkpoints for Weaving Earth’s Embodied Ecology Naturalist Certification.

Details for how to sign up for these calls will be outlined in a welcome packet upon acceptance into the program.

:: Certification/Qualification Course Work

Each certification has specific self-paced course work. To complete all three certifications, we estimate at-home hours to be between 2 – 5.5 hours each week* throughout the program (see below for a breakdown of hours per Certification/Qualification).

*Please note that the FFT2 and WFR have asynchronous, virtual learning modules so those hours can also be completed in larger designated chunks of time if preferable. The Embodied Ecology Certification requires steady rhythmic practice each week at home, with regular reflection journals to share with facilitators.

Note that we have built in designated off weeks to account for holiday breaks and rest time.

Firefighter Type II Qualification (FFT2) requires 30–40 hours of self-paced online coursework from program start to the second session. This breaks down to approximately 2.5 hours per week over 16 weeks.

Wilderness First Responder Certification (WFR) requires 30–40 hours of self-paced online coursework. If spread evenly, this amounts to just over 2 hours per week between session 2 and 3.

Weaving Earth’s Embodied Ecology Naturalist Certification requires weekly at home practices, journal entries and monthly check-ins with facilitators. Estimated time commitment is 2–3 hours per week throughout the course of the program.



This is for folks seeking to reclaim and rewild their attention. Who seek to dedicate devoted time to cultivate wild fluency5. For those who seek to speak the language of the birds, water, stars, fire, soil and body. For folks who trust that their attention is a precious companion capable of prophecy, dreaming and muscular imagination when cared for. For folks who long to attune their relationship to time, their nervous system, and their soul’s liberatory efforts to the rhythm of bird song, the divination of tracks, and the wisdom of myth.

For those disenamored with wtf is going on in this world; who want to reconnect with the mysticism of this powerful planet — not to spiritually bypass what these times require of us but to show up informed to your bioregion with a prophetic lineage guiding you.

For those who believe gratitude is a reliable keel; who want to study with people who say yes to prayer, ceremony and protocol. For those who believe capacity for awe is an essential skill for disaster training. For those who wanna ground their care work between and among the earth; between and among the stars.

For those who want to gain capacity and applicable knowledge for meeting times of instability. For those of us looking to better equip ourselves to be good friends, relatives, neighbors, and ecological community members as we face the promise of unpredictable futures.

For those who are willing to partner enchantment with discipline, commitment and study. For those willing to engage appearances from players like vulnerable intimacy; expanded awareness; the erotic; liberating with the land; mysticism; liminality; re-enchantment; play; humor; wyrdness; disorientation, reorientation. For those willing to enter unknown terrain, to come with a willingness to engage, and to be personally responsible to yourself and your own practice.

This course is an invitation to attune our awareness beyond and beneath the malaise of what late-stage capitalism would have us focus on. It’s an invitation into practices that draw us toward the mystery of the inner and outer earth body (and the consciousness that unites them). Whether these are areas of familiarity or newness to you, we welcome you. This is the ground from which we will be moving.



Applicants are encouraged to apply together in what Joanna Macy calls a “rough weather network” of 3-5 participants*. The prayer with this design is to ecologize the circle of skills beyond one person in a community. In assembling rough weather networks, you might consider: What place takes care of you? What place do you take care of? Who lives near you? Who do you take care of? Who are you responsible for? Who do you want to be responsible for you? How do you want to strengthen your quality of care as a circle? How do you all take care of one another and yourselves to offer the quality of care needed in your bioregion? What is only yours to do? How do you stay together well with the trouble?

Participants can also apply alone, and those folks will be grouped into multi-regional rough weather networks.

* Participants with a group still need to complete individual applications, but indicate on the application who you are applying with.



We yearn to discontinue the horrors of capitalism, and we recognize that we remain entangled within that system (for now). So we aim to do what we can from within that paradox — recognizing that there is great opportunity and possibility that can emerge from engaging the tension between what is and what must be. Our prayer is to make the exchange of resources for this program a part of the long arc of changing our way of being with money, resources, and wealth.

Since its inception, the U.S. has been designed to privilege, prioritize and empower certain identities over others through the systems of white supremacy and racism, cis-heteropatriarchy, classism, ableism, and American exceptionalism (to name just a few). All identities that deviate from the “societal norms” created primarily by white, land-owning cis-het men, are targets of personal and structural discrimination, resulting in both individual pain and systemic inequity. Therefore, the notion that wealth simply accrues to those who work hard is a cultural myth—a myth that upholds colonialism, white supremacy, cis-heterosexual male dominance and extractive capitalism.

We intend to interrupt ongoing systems of inequity and the resulting lack of access to programs and education for marginalized identities by providing access to this program through three entry points (see below).

In deciding which option to choose, we ask that you:

  • Consider the ways you have been granted unearned advantage by the systems we live within
  • Consider your income and access to wealth
  • Consider where inherited wealth may have come from
  • Consider what you’d like to invest your resources in
  • Consider who might support you join this program
  • Consider that your offering can be a prayer — a small enactment of your commitment to restoring balance and right relationship
  • Consider what would feel joyful to give
True Cost

The true cost for this program is $11,200, covering all program expenses, including:

:: Site fees
:: Catering
:: Staffing
:: Program materials
:: Certifications
:: And, yes, to be clear, $0 profit. We double checked lol

We know that for many this may feel cost-prohibitive, and we want to give the praise report that last year we raised enough to cover full or partial tuition for 60% of the participants. This effort is already underway and we are doing everything we can to hit this year’s goals. Please see other tuition entry point options below for more info.

The true cost entry point is for those who can afford it, those who come from wealth privilege, those who can and want to give, or those who come from other systemically privileged identities.

Payment plan options available.  

Note: You are enthusiastically invited to exceed the true cost entry point! Anything you pay over $11,200 will support the Lifeways Back Access and General Scholarship Funds, and will serve as a tax-deductible donation.

For more guidance on how to choose your position on the sliding scale, see FAQ “which payment entry point should I choose?”

Lifeways Back Access Fund

The Lifeways Back Access Fund is for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). We hold a prayer for the manifestation of the full expression of what reparations and land back can and will mean in this world. Knowing that this full expression is not yet here, we highlight one aspect of that larger prayer: the return of Lifeways4. We lean on the articulation of our kin and co-collaborator, Pınar Sinopoulos-Lloyd, who reminds us that many of the so-called ‘skills’ taught in the fields of nature connection and ancestral arts are,

“…not skills — these are Lifeways — indigenous, multi-species pedagogy for time immemorial. We have the right to access and reclaim our Lifeways.”

There is a difference between accessing the Lifeways Back Fund and general financial scholarship. The “sliding scale” for Lifeways Back begins at $0, and does not need to go any higher* — however, it includes the possibility of offering a gift of any size, should you so choose. Anything you do choose to offer will go directly toward the Lifeways Back Access Fund to support other BIPOC participants in joining. This is not a scholarship fund, and we do not assume that individual BIPOC applicants do not have access to wealth — these funds are offered with a prayer for collective liberation.

*Note: It is our prayer that all who apply for the Lifeways Back Fund and are accepted into the program will receive it, and we are a small non-profit working within the bounds of financial realities. As applications come in we will assess our capacities and be in transparent conversation with applicants as we continue to generate funds in real time as needed. This means that we cannot guarantee that the Lifeways Back Fund will be available to all who apply for it and are accepted to the program, but we are dedicated as a team to rigorous outreach through our community, and through the sliding scale model to support our efforts for practicing equity.

We are actively fundraising for the Lifeways Back Fund and if you, or someone you know might be interested in supporting, you can donate to the Lifeways Back Fund here with note/comment: ATTUNE. All proceeds will go directly towards supporting BIPOC participants accepted into the program to attend WE programming without charge.

General Scholarship Fund

The General Scholarship Fund is for: individuals in need, folks impacted by systemic economic inequity — including but not limited to those impacted by generational poverty, wage gaps, underemployment, lack of access to intergenerational resources — and/or marginalized groups not covered by the Lifeways Back Fund.

If financial assistance would be supportive for you in joining this program, check the corresponding box in the tuition section of the application. We cannot guarantee that scholarships will be available to all who apply for them and are accepted to the program, but we are dedicated as a team to rigorous fundraising outreach. Once we have a sense of the need we will do our best to accommodate the requests we receive.

If you have questions about these three entry points, or about financial assistance, please contact us.

Please note- we are actively fundraising for our Lifeways Back and General Scholarship Funds! If you or anyone you know would like to support, thank you! You can donate by clicking here and selecting your choice from the drop down menu, or you can reach out to for other donation options.


The Application period for the 2025-26 program is March 25th – April 21st. Use the link below to fill out an application online. Any questions you have about applying, or about the program in general, can be directed to

After submitting, we move into a period of discernment. One of the steps in that process is a 1.5 hour “mutual discernment call,” which is an opportunity to meet staff and other applicants, hear more about the program, and to be in Q+A. Please mark one (or both) of these times on your calendar now to ensure they stay available. If neither works for you, please note that on your application.

Mutual Discernment Call Dates/Times:

  • April 22nd: 5:00-6:30pm PST // 8:00-9:30pm EST
  • April 24th: 4:00-5:30pm PST // 7:00-8:30pm EST

We look forward to your application!

the priority Application period for this program is closed and submissions are under review. acceptances will be sent out during the week of 8-21-2023. applications will remain open and be accepted on a rolling basis until the program is full. use the link below to complete your application online. Any questions you have about applying, or about the program in general, can be directed to

also please take note that we’ll be doing “mutual-discernment calls” with those who we’re considering for the program during the week of April 21st. this means that should both you and the WE facilitators feel that the program might be a good fit, you’ll be invited to join a 1.5-hour group zoom with staff and other participants to meet each other and discuss the program 

we look forward to reading your application!

so wait, how much time will homework take?

During the at-home learning aspect of the course, we expect it to require no more than 3-5 hours of your time per week. Giving more than this is optional and up to the participant’s availability/capacity.

Simple daily practice will be a significant part of the Weaving Earth Embodied Ecology Naturalist Certification, and will include devoted time to explore your inner and outer world including bird sits, devotional time listening to and observing your body, mind, spirit, etc. and reflecting about your observations.

There may be periods of higher at-home work loads during the course due to the certification requirements. Participants will be supported throughout with best practices for time management to ensure completion of all required materials. 

Here is the breakdown of estimated time allotment per certification/qualification:

Firefighter Type II Qualification

  • Requires 30–40 hours of self-paced online coursework from program start to the second session.
  • Breaks down to approximately 2.5 hours per week over 16 weeks.

Wilderness First Responder Certification

  • Requires 40 hours of self-paced online coursework
  • If spread evenly, this amounts to just over 2 hours per week between session 2 and 3.

Weaving Earth’s Embodied Ecology Naturalist Certification

  • Requires weekly at home practices and journal entries and monthly check-ins with facilitators.
  • Estimated time commitment is 2–3 hours per week throughout the course of the program.
if I did ATTUNE before, can i apply again?

yes! Participants who joined the inaugural year of ATTUNE are invited to apply for advanced study from their first year. some of the application will feel familiar, and some will be new. the same can be said for the course content. we know and believe that this content deserves to be revisited and deepened throughout our lives, so we look forward to creating a familiar and new experience with you!

when are applications due?

The Application Period ends on April 21st, after which time we move into a period of mutual discernment.

One of the steps in that process is a 1.5 hour “mutual discernment call,” which is an opportunity to meet staff and other applicants, hear more about the program, and to be in Q+A. Please mark one (or both) of these times on your calendar now to ensure they stay available. If neither works for you, please note that on your application.

mutual discernment call dates/times:

april 22nd: 5:00-6:30pm PST // 8:00-9:30pm EST
april 24th: 4:00-5:30pm PST // 7:00-8:30pm EST

Use the link below to complete your application online. Any questions you have about applying, or about the program in general, can be directed to

which payment entry point should I choose?

Choosing a payment entry point is up to your personal discernment, but is also entangled in systemic realities under racialized capitalism which we encourage folks to take into account. Here are some things to consider in your process.

Consider contributing MORE if you:

  • have the ability to comfortably meet all of your basic needs
  • belong to a sponsoring organization or are employed full-time
  • have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money
  • travel recreationally
  • have access to family money and resources in times of need
  • work part-time by choice
  • own the home you live in
  • have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education (or gender and racial privilege, class background, etc.)

Consider choosing the General Scholarship Fund if you:

  • have difficulty covering basic expenses
  • are supporting children or have other dependents
  • have significant debt
  • have medical expenses not covered by insurance
  • are an elder with limited financial support
  • have unstable housing and/or limited access to reliable transportation
  • have not taken a vacation or time off due to the financial burden

NOTE: The Lifeways Back Fund is for Black, Indigenous and People of Color participants. Click that drop down menu to read more.

If you select the true cost entry point (or above it) you will make future offerings possible and support the good work of the speakers, facilitators, and organizers who are generously contributing their gifts to this event.

(This discernment process write-up is from Ecoversities and is based on the ‘Green Bottle’ sliding scale model by Alexis J. Cunningfolk |

how do I submit certificates of completion for the pre-course work?

Each certification requires different at-home, self-paced course work. Details on this, and how to submit certificates of completion, will be given upon acceptance into the program. 

are there any prerequisites to joining this program?

we welcome anyone who is drawn to this program to apply, regardless of your background or experience in the content. that said, we will be preferencing applicants who are devoted to work/practices that align with ATTUNE, and would be enriched and supported by your time in the program.

additionally, as this course will not be an introduction to practices and ideologies in social justice and co-liberation, we expect a skillful level of capacity and experience in this area. see application for further details.

what kind of accessibility support is offered?

regarding financial accessibility, we have several pathways of support available. this is outlined in the “cost” section above.

our pedagogy intentionally moves away from neurotypical learning models and actively considers diverse learning and social needs in our curricula design based on the access needs of participants.

we continually strive to make our programs as accessible as possible to as many different needs as possible. we also want to make sure that applicants know that the location hosting us is rustic in nature and that we will be camping during the 4 in-person gatherings. bathrooms and showers are available, and we will offer orientation to backcountry hygiene for any who need that.

some of the terrain is steep and we will be traversing dirt roads. most will be vehicle accessible, so walking everywhere at all times isn’t required, but we want to do our best to paint a picture of the terrain/accommodations so you can make an informed decision. please list any specific needs (camping gear, warm layers, carpools/transportation, translation, etc) or questions you have in the accessibility section of the application and we will do our best to accommodate.

during the online calls, closed captions/transcriptions and recordings are provided by default.

what is at the heart of Weaving Earth’s pedagogy?

if the wound is separation, then relationship is the remedy.

at Weaving Earth we believe that through the simple and profound act of engaging in activities that highlight our interrelationship, we nourish our own source with the wisdom of the whole. cultivating interrelationship can summon creativity, experience and aligned action to meet the challenges of today in support of the maturation of tomorrow. we call our approach “relational education” — a nature-based, experiential learning model that deepens relationships in support of socio-ecological systems that enhance life, love, and justice, within and between. Our curriculum weaves together earth intimacy, eco-social co-liberation, embodiment, and prayerful action.

the pedagogy strives to instill the following:

human beings…

  • are relational by nature
  • are inherently interconnected with each other and all other life on the planet
  • can be beneficial participants within biological ecosystems
  • are capable of cooperation, compassion, generosity, and love
  • contain vision, creativity, and talents to offer
  • can learn how histories of violence and domination have impacted them
  • can make and receive reparations for historical and present-day harm
  • can develop and sustain relationships that enable us to transcend past divisions of power and privilege

weaving earth joins a chorus of voices rising throughout time who know and imagine that humanity is capable of much more than destruction and division. many people and communities already embody this and have for a long time. responding to the complexity of our times requires ways of being, feeling, perceiving and thinking that transform the dominant narratives that have enabled “western”, white supremacist, cis-heteropatriarchal society to bring so many and so much to the tipping point.

ultimately, for conditions on this planet to change, we have to believe that change is possible. relational education nourishes that belief and equips participants with tools to turn their visions of freedom, equity, justice and ecological health into action.

to read our full article on the what, why and how of relational education, click here.

To read more about weaving earth’s core curriculum – earth intimacy, eco-social co liberation, embodiment, and prayerful action — click here

what is the attendance policy? do i need to attend all sessions in person?

we hope and expect that all enrolled participants will be present at all in-person and online sessions. If an unexpected conflict should arise, we ask that participants be in communication with facilitators to collaboratively put a plan together based on the specific circumstances. absence from any of the in-peson programming, or failure to complete the required pre-course work, may disqualify you from receiving the certifications that are part of this course. 

do i need a car to be in this program?

no! upon acceptance we will be connecting folks who have a ride with those who need a ride, so if you don’t have a car we will do our best to help find someone coming from your area who does.

do you support travel expenses?

Unfortunately, we cannot support travel at this time, though we will help connect you with others in the cohort for carpooling.

what happens on a rainy/stormy day?

within the bounds of safety, when it rains or storms we practice a healthy balance of being out in it and making ourselves comfortable around a fire. personal discernment around the stretching of one’s comfort zone is encouraged, so should you not be up for being out in the rain, or for being stretched in some other way, taking a break is always available.

what clothing/gear will i need?

A full packing list is provided with your registration packet, but a basic list would include: layered clothing you don’t mind getting dirty, rain jacket and pants, headlamp, small backpack, tent, sleeping bag and pad. There may be some additional requirements for participation in a prescribed burn. This will be included in your packing list.

After seeing the full list, should you need any support in securing any of these items, we’ll work together to get you what you need.

how do meals work?

all sessions are fully catered with 3 meals/day plus snacks, and caterers are able to meet most dietary needs.

what does a typical day in the program look like?

while the course content will vary from day to day, you can expect that most days will be spent almost entirely outside in a beautiful location, and evenings will be spent around a fire. the course will lean heavily on experiential learning opportunities in direct contact with the natural world. there will be a balance between time in the large group, time in small groups, and time alone. we do our best to also include plenty of downtime for outbreaths, naps, wanders, etc.

what is your drug and alcohol policy?

ATTUNE is a drug and alcohol free space and we ask all participants to respect that during program hours. while we will be cultivating states of expanded consciousness, this is done through practices that connect us to our senses and the natural world, and without the use of substances.

do you have child care options?

we love having kids around at our events, and will do our best to work with parents on a case-by-case, shared-cost basis to find child care services during in-person sessions for those who need it. please note this need in the accessibility section of the application

can I bring my dog with me?

unfortunately, we cannot have dogs join us at the program sites. we know that dogs are a part of the family, and potentially join as support animals, but we have a livestock guardian dog on site, so guest dogs are not possible. we thank you for your understanding!

what is the refund policy?

full refunds will be given 30 days before the start of the program. after that time we will retain a 20% deposit. once the program starts, no refunds will be given. *we understand that life happens and will reassess this policy on a case-by-case basis

how do i sign up?

click the button below that says apply now and follow the steps to apply by april 21st! let us know if you have any trouble by reaching out to once we receive your application we will respond with next steps.


1 Bird Language: Through sound, silence, gesture, posture, and behavior, birds communicate about what they are observing in the ecosystem. They are telling the story in real time, and we can learn to understand what they are saying by learning their language, which embeds us deeper into the interrelated ecology we are a part of. Weaving Earth approaches bird language through a co-liberatory and somatic lens.

2 Auspicious Attention: This is a concept from Weaving Earth adult programs co-curator and educator brontë velez that explores the lineage of the “auspice” as a prophetic bird witness and the reclamation of bird language as a liberatory technology that cultivates prophetic awareness. You can read adrienne maree brown speak to their prayer, visions and practice on “attention liberation” here.

3 Eco-Social Co-Liberation, as in liberatory action in both environmental and social ecosystems. As in action that moves from a place of understanding the interconnectedness of livingness on this planet, an understanding that human and ecological relational repair are entwined with one another and provide essential energy and clarity for that repair. We cannot heal ourselves without healing the earth, and we cannot heal the earth without healing ourselves. We must unravel notions of human body supremacy that manifest as cisheteronormativity, patriarchy, white supremacist racism, extractivism and unchecked consumption in order to liberate our home (eco) and ourselves (social) from systemic oppression and destruction. This is liberation as earthling relational praxis.

4 When we speak to “ancestral lifeways,” we are referring to Miakoda Taylor and Pinar Sinopolous Lloyd’s praxis through their respective bodies of work (Fierce Allies & Queer Nature) to transform and decolonize the field of nature connection through accountability to the “rematriation of indigenous lifeways.” You can learn more about their work here and here.

5 “Wild fluency” is a term coined by Weaving Earth’s Executive Director Lauren Dalberth Hage that invites us into the practice of communication with the earth’s languages. Most, if not all, members of the ecosystem are attuned to this wild language, and as fellow animals of the ecosystem, we can also reattune ourselves to the languages and re-member ourselves as an interrelated and responsible part of that ecosystem. Wild fluency helps us to engage and occupy our senses and tune into our bodies’ somatic brilliance.”

6 First Responders: We want to make clear our gratitude to all the first responders out there. For your dedication, stamina, life-saving actions, heart and deep care: we wholeheartedly thank you! We also recognize that the scale of response needed to meet the intersecting crises of our times (climate, ecological, political and social, etc) is growing at an exponential rate. Frontlines are many. Community need is high. Municipal aid is not always available and our capacity to rely on our neighbors is essential. We need to skill up on all fronts: practical, relational, ecological and spiritual. We need the spiritual fortification of our ancestors, prophets and mystics among the skills for primary response. ATTUNE seeks to regenerate the wisdom of intuition alongside the development of tangible skills for living in and responding to the climate emergency.