Bird Language and Earth Intimacy

a Free Monthly Praxis with We

Join us for a monthly dedicated praxis – honing our attention to the language of the birds and cultivating intimacy with place through the simple practice of sitting still, paying attention and coming back together to swap stories and observations. All are welcome and no prior experience is needed!

Register below!

Weaving Earth took its name because of the many threads that create the transformative tapestry of Relational Education. While all are important, certain threads have become ‘pillars’ because they powerfully support learning in all the other strands. Earth Intimacy (cultivating an embodied sense of interrelationship with the planet) is one such thread, and apprenticeship to the language of the birds is a key method of practice.

TIMING UPDATE: starting in April we’ll be gathering from 5-6:30


Who: Anyone! All are welcome. Children need to be accompanied by an adult.
What: A monthly Bird Language practice, dedicated to deepening intimacy with place, expanding awareness, offering attention, and learning in community. This practice group will follow a simple flow each time. We will:

  • Offer a brief introduction and orientation
  • Find a ‘sit spot’ and sit in quiet observation for about 20 minutes
  • Gather back together and debrief the sit (this will likely include a combination of sharing the stories of what we observed, asking and answering questions, mapping out the sit together, and exploring key concepts and teachings around bird language)

When: We will meet on the second Wednesday of each month in the evening (TIMING DEPENDS ON SEASON. SEE ABOVE FOR CURRENT TIMING.). We will continue in this monthly practice indefinitely. We will be there unless otherwise noted (sign up below so we can email you with updates).
Where: Meet at the “Peace Garden” at Ragle Ranch in Southern Pomo Territory, Sebastopol, CA (see map below). From there we will take a short walk together to our practice area. NOTE: There are two Peace Gardens in Sebastopol! Please make sure you are navigating to the one in Ragle Park, not the one near the Community Center
Why: So many reasons, but mostly because we love bird language and want to share it with you! Bird language is fun, profound, and has the power to transform our relationship with the world around us.


FYI You don’t have to register to join. Just show up! However, if we need to send out updates or follow ups, this is how we will contact you.



Fill in your details and we’ll keep you posted on upcoming WE offerings
