Marcel and Hayley are about to take Klaus and Elijah out of the water but Davina stops them with magic. Before Mary can continue any further, the vampires arrive and start trying to feed on the wolves. Hayley suggests that they go to keep up the ruse that she is the reason Caroline and Tyler broke up, and Tyler reluctantly agrees. Hayley seems annoyed by this, but quickly forgives him. Hayley was the mother of the first naturally born tribrid, Hope Mikaelson, the daughter she had with the Original Hybrid, Niklaus Mikaelson. Jackson is attacked in a deleted scene in The Battle of New Orleans for failing to join Oliver and Francesca, and so returns to the bayou where he meets Ansel and learns from him. Hayley tells Stefan its time and Stefan rips the healing paste to draw Rayna Cruz to them. Hayley hugs Hope and tells her Mary is now in charge and Hope is okay with that. Freya has a plan and tells Hayley, Marcel and Stefan to go and save Klaus and Elijah. She also told to Klaus that she will never find peace and her pain will not fade until she can hold Hope in her arms again. We don't have much information about She's past relationship and any previous engaged. Jackson then tries to stake a vampire, but Hayley tells him not to since they are being controlled by Finn's spell. Hayley is with Freya she is still shocked over what happened. While Klaus is killing Tyler's pack, Hayley explains to Tyler that she made a deal with someone who can help her find her real family, and that her end of the bargain was to provide twelve unsired hybrids for the sacrifice. She was described as "gorgeous, but tough as nails and also very protective". She tells him that Tristan seemed incomplete and he tells her that he has a sister named Aurora, who is usually around him. Hayley and Freya see in a flashback Richard Xavier Dumas killing Hayley's parents while baby Hayley screams and cries. She triggered the werewolf curse when she was drunk on a boat trip and accidentally killed someone. Sometime later in Austin Texas Hayley is at a bar. She tells Keelin considering that she saved her life. Hayley says she will handle Marcel. Hayley finds hope and hugs her. She confronts him about why he kept the journal from her and read somewhere there is a unification ceremony that bestowed certain abilities onto every member of the pack, and if he believes it. When she puts an infliction spell on both her and Klaus, he puts his claws into her thigh and Eva jumps out the window, and both Klaus and Hayley check on Hope. Hayley and Klaus both disagreed, stating that she's just a kid and by doing that, they'll be losing both Kol and Marcel from their side. She tells Rebekah what she saw in his mind and it scares her but and at the same time she's okay with it. When he comes to the realization of what he was a part of, unknowingly, it's a pretty seminal moment in the series and a pretty amazing acting moment on screen. Hayley goes to Jackson and he asks why Klaus didn't kill him when he had the chance. She then tells Marcel the city is his and she hopes it will finally bring him peace. Hayley missed her daughter's first steps due to the Curse, and saw her baby walk for the first time in You Hung The Moon. Jackson arrives and tells them that the highway is flooded, so they have to take the back roads. Marcel Gerard was able to get her out of town after her parents' death. He takes the bait and they have sex. He tells her that she's tough like her dad. During the Winter Wonderland charity event, Tyler tells Caroline that Hayley has found a powerful witch who can use a spell to transport Klaus into someone else's body. She tells him that he's not alone and they then kiss. As Freya begins her spell to bring Hope's spirit into the pendant. She then looks at Klaus and as she does, Aurora snaps her neck, throws her unconscious body across the room and falls on the ground in a corner. The bond she built with hope and klaus in the final 2 seasons was what made the pain of her loss so tangible for me. She puts her jacket on and begins to head out to the Bayou, asking him he needs anything and asks if he can watch Hope while she's gone. Hayley tries to talk to Hope, knowing her daughter is trying to fight and resurface. As Hayley and Klaus go through her heirlooms. He tells her that she swore to honor the treaty. Klaus trusts Hayley's judgment and he agrees to let her tell Jackson the truth about Hope. She and Ansel arrive at the cemetery and they find a bloodied Oliver suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse. Hayley returns back to her apartment, Mary tells her that she is risking her life every time she is in a fight with the Mikaelson's. In Heart Shaped Box, Hayley is at the park visiting the heart of her former husband which she had planted under a tree when Klaus approaches her for help training Camille. Reunited in Wheel Inside the Wheel, Hayley is frustrated at Jackson for not doing his job as the alpha wolf but eventually gets over it when she needs his help to help save the pack from Esther's control. She and Klaus joke and he says out loud what he's writing about her telling Elijah about marrying Jackson. Klaus wants to leave. Klaus appears and saves her, in the process biting and poisoning the vampire with his werewolf venom. She would bite Marcel as he would be his secret weapon due to the venom in his system. She confesses to him that she read his journals to find Celeste's body, because Sophie could help her family with their curse. Hayley has displayed a capacity for being sympathetic to the struggles of others, most notably Davina and Cami, and gave them the advice and support that they needed at the time. Hayley howls and begs Tyler to spare her daughter and to help her to hide the baby from Klaus. After completing her transition, due to her daughter's blood, she possessed all the standard powers and abilities of an non-Original werewolf-vampire hybrid. In Tangled Up In Blue, Hayley asks Klaus and Rebekah what is the plan to overtake Marcel. Marcel Gerard (the leader of the vampires and an acquaintance of her parents) found her in her cradle. Hayley finds the vampires chasing her and Keelin and rips the hearts out of some. She has also shown several arrogant traits. When Dahlia tells her that they should be saying their last goodbyes and Hayley rocks and kisses Hope to calm her down, while still glaring at Dahlia until she leaves. Hayley asks Freya if her reading will work. She then flees herself. Klaus came closer and asked "How is our Littlest Wolf today? She then puts a trucker cap on him and with the keys in hand, they head off to their destination. And the witches that tried to kill my babythey're worth nothing more than food.Hayley. He tells her it has to be a real marriage since the vows have to be honored and asks her if she's ready to have it for the rest of their lives. He tells her that he spent a lot of time tracking her as a wolf, and they joke to which he tells her she's better than the Andrea Labonair he was waiting for. Hayley then starts thinking the Hollow made Richard kill her parents. They hug each other. When they try to enter a room, Freya is thrown against a wall and knocked unconscious. Hayley heads back to her apartment finding Jackson was waiting for her, however, she was too late. Hayley is angry at Elijah that he defended Klaus, but he tells her he was defending Hope. I live in the now. She tells him she is trying to get The Hollow out of Hope. As Hayley is the last one of her bloodline, Jackson shares his belief that Hayley is the one who will break the curse from his pack, but then they discover that it was false information from witches who just wanted to trap them. Too overwhelmed with what Vincent had to say, Hayley leaves. As they walk down the spiral staircase and into the basement, they see the coffins Klaus keeps. Hayley and Freya are shocked and concerned by Klaus' decision. In Out of the Easy, Hayley is talking to Jackson about saving Rebekah. Shen broke free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. She then tells Keelin that Freya is the only one who can wake up the others. We saw that Hope was 7 in season 4 but for some reason Julie thought she was 8 then did a time jump of about 7 & 1/2 years to make her 15 - soon to be 16 - in season 5. In Fire with Fire, Hayley is seen with Hope in a shed protecting her from the storm and goes out to talk to Mary. Hayley Marshall (born Andra Labonair) is a werewolf and main character in the The Originals Fanfiction. Klaus and Hayley argue over whether she should tell Jackson the truth about Hope. Hayley asks why she should believe him, Marcel tells her she can believe whatever she wants to believe. Hayley lets out steam with Jackson in St. Anne Church where Marcel established a fight club for his vampires. She tells him the wolves don't want to fight, they just want a better life. Once Klaus is gone, Hayley, Tyler and Caroline smile at one another, and Caroline thanks Hayley for telling her that Klaus was there. Camille gives Freya a box with the antidote to Freya's poison. They return to Jackson's trailer and Oliver wants to talk to Jackson. Elijah disappears and Hayley falls back to the ground holding her neck, breathing heavily trying to get air back in her lungs. She tells him that there needs to be no more tension and to let Jackson run the pack he sees fit, without orders or favors from Klaus. He says that he wanted to be the one to tell her, but didn't know if he could. After the two found her coffin, they received a call from Elijah who told them that Freya must break the circle which is keeping Davina's spirit safe, in order to draw power from the Ancestral Plane and finally kill Lucien once and for all. Klaus claims that he is the only one who can protect Hayley from Katherine's minions, and says that he will as long as she co-operates with him. Not much later, Elijah, Klaus and Kol burst in and she sees two of the brothers have been bitten. Elijah intervenes and is about to kill Oliver when Hayley steps in and says that he should go ahead and kill Oliver. Hayley shares a dance with Elijah and he once again suggests to come back. Hayley takes a drop of her baby's blood to complete her transition. Aiden tries to argue, but Jackson tells him to set up a meeting for the whole pack. She tells him that the pack loves him and that he has to remind of it. He tells her that his family are all monsters and they've committed countless crimes in their past and present. Hayley was also able to stagger Klaus with her attacks more than Marcel could, a vampire of two centuries; though still no match for Klaus or any other Original, who all easily exceeds her powers and skills as shown in Fire with Fire. At at the Abattoir, Hope and Alaric talk and Hayley joins them by bringing Hope some cookies. She has been seen to wear many accessories such as large, dangle earrings, long pendants, necklaces and a variety of rings. They burst through the doors and fall together in the sunlight and both instantly burst into flames as Klaus looks on and screams at the sight of Hayley's burning corpse. He tells her she needs to go home and pack some bags and get her and Hope out of town. Cami tells her that she needs to figure out what's best for her, and think long and hard about her decision, as she'll be the one to live with it. After Klaus calls Hayley about Hope feeling dizzy, she tells him that she's never been sick and Freya tells her it's a magical affliction. Freya tells Hayley and Klaus that Hope's blood can be used as a weapon against The Hollow. Hayley turns into a wolf and kills the leader. Hayley arrives at the compound and tells Freya, Klaus and Elijah what Lucien was doing in the labs. Genevieve and Monique reveal that they will sacrifice her baby. She stands up and puts the list in the back pockets of her jeans. She then picks a branch and uses it as a torch, and leads Kayla through the woods to show her something. When Agnes attempts to kill Hayley's child in utero, Elijah manages to keep her temperature down by holding her against him in the swimming pool until Davina unlinks them and the effects of the needle cease. However, due to Hope's blood running through her mother's veins, this made Hayley a hybrid and she succeeded to kill the witches and take her baby back. Hayley is informed by Genevieve that Esther is responsible for wanting her baby dead. Hayley Marshall (birth name Andrea Labonair) is one of the main characters of The Vampire Diaries spin-off series, The Originals. They then decide its time to save Klaus. Hayley attacks one of the Hollow's followers in her wolf form. At the Abattoir Hayley finds the Hollow, she uses her magic to make Hayley drop her knife and fall to the ground in pain. He figured out who she was after the party she had thrown for the werewolves in Crescent City. Later, when Tyler is sitting with Hayley, she asks if he got the wolf gene from his mother, claiming his mother knows how to party as she is seen drinking a lot and doesn't appear too drunk. When she tells Mary about the symbol related to the cult and Hope's drawings, Mary shows her the journal her husband, Richard, had. She tells him about Hope and that they can reschedule their date. When Dahlia conjures up a storm to slow them down, they were starting to pack up and Hope begins to cry. After they leave the abandoned home they drive to a storage unit. The Hollow throws Hayley through a glass door, but Freya comes in to save Hayley. Hayley said that Rebekah can always come back to visit her niece and herself and that they will all hide that from Klaus. In Wild at Heart, Hayley chooses to stay at the abattoir because the ghost of her husband is Figuratively haunting her, she leaves the wooden Knight at her apartment. In The Battle of New Orleans, during a full moon, after that the Moonlight Rings were created by Genevieve and that Francesca Guerrera revealed herself to be a werewolf and took the Rings, Hayley is taken by the witches who take her in the St. Anne's Church. Hayley is then seen with Cami and the others at St. Anne's Church, and Hayley tells her she'll heal. Hayley left her mother's Starke home shortly after her 16th birthday on Feb. 11, 2003, and headed to the home of her father, Glenn Marshall. Hayley ready to get out of the city with Jackson and Hope, and they leave the nursery soon after. After killing the witch, Hayley tells Hope to go without her, but Greta uses Hope's hesitation to knock her out with sleeping powder. Jackson never got the chance to know Hayley and shows interest in her as she was supposed to be his wife. In I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, she is shown to be irritable and feels off since she had just been turned back into her human self after six months as a wolf. Gia asks if there rescuing Elijah, but Hayley says it's Oliver. In Ashes to Ashes, Elijah is waiting at Hayley's old shack in the Bayou and sees her naked and slightly dirty. Hayley is nervous and asks Freya if she is capable of getting Elijah back. He politely interrogates Hayley, though she claims she does not know where Katherine is. Klaus and Hayley go to St. Anne's church. In The Tale of Two Wolves, she sees that Hope has appeared in the afterlife and tells her it's not her time yet. The others include: Hayley is the eleventh werewolf to be seen killed by a witch and to die by a slit throat. In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Hayley meets up with Jackson and he tells her they have to go by the book to make sure the unification ceremony goes well. Decades later, Hayley sacrificed her life to save her daughter and found peace after her death. Hayley tells him that Marcel protected Hope and that she didn't see any kind of violence and gore. She thanks Klaus for his help on keeping Hope safe. After Vincent saves Hope dead crows fall from the sky all around Hope. Freya offers a tonic that will make sure Dahlia will not possess them and Hayley takes a drink of it. 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