You are one of a growing number of followers of the Messiah (p) Issa/Yesha who actually have figured out Paul was a con artist sent to corrupt the movement started by the Nazarene Messiah (p) and if it failed in Pauls lifetime it succeeded under the Roman Emporer Constantine and it was Paul they revered as THE Apostle, even before Nicene Creed was made up. He was a ruthless persecutor who sought to stop what he saw as an aberration within Judaism. Long has taught full time at Grace Christian University since 1998, specializing in Bible and Biblical languages. This does not seem so radically opposed to Rome. But after Paul went solo without Barnabas [Acts 15] I see no record that Paul ever appointed any elders in any church anywhere. Maybe God was preparing Paul under those great teachers for the work He had in store for him He became one of the most intense teachers of the gospel in the bible. Maybe Gamaliel was strict with Saul,so Saul was being rebellious. He was also a hellene or hellenized jew of the diaspora as part of the culture of the greeks so he was also schooled in Greek logic and would have been knowledgeable in the classics of Plato and Aristotle, Stoism and Epicureanism. Love, Love, Love. (In other words, the second commandment, the love of man, without the love of God. This included sacrifices and multiple gods before and after the games. When Hillel died, his son Simeon assumed his position, but Simeon died shortly after he took office. scholars can go in offering probable rather than speculative inferences? Needless to say, many still revere Philomena and Christopher as saints. On analogy to Supreme Court Justices dissenting in limited and specific cases (anomolies) as a dissenting minority against a majority with whom the dissent would normally agree? Even if someone wants to be argumentative and say we cant prove that Judas wasnt there at the time, we certainly cant prove that Judas WAS there. In other words, had God been preparing Saul for this breakthrough prior to Acts chapter 9? Jesus Leadership Training, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. Yes, this subject can get indepth, but I think it is better myself to keep it simple, and what we can know, from Scripture itself. Paul is a master of both and since you do not understand oral law, its lead you to believe that Paul is a Shammite of all things. Hillel disagreed on this aspect, due to many converts in the Torah ( Ruth, Obidiah, Abraham etc.) He was a ruthless persecutor who sought to stop what he saw as an aberration within Judaism. Gamaliel . Darris McNeely - Dec 7, 2022 | In this class we will discuss Acts 5:26-41 thru Acts 6:1-7 and notice the following events: the apostles being persecuted by the Sanhedrin for teaching in Christ's name; how a Pharisee named Gamaliel spoke up on behalf of the apostles; and the choosing of seven men to help the disciples distribute food. Acts 6:9 But resistance arose from what was called the Synagogue of the Freedmen, including Cyrenians, Alexandrians, and men from the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. As a side note, Wright has an excellent article on that on here: Just as Muslims believe that Muhammad never intentionally disobeyed God, Roman Catholics believe Mary was sinless and Evangelical Christians think its heresy to state flatly Paul was WRONG., The Apostle Matthew recorded that at Jesus baptism, A voice from heaven said, This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. [Matthew 3:17], In Gospel of Mark (Mark recorded the teaching of the Apostle Peter), we read: a voice came from the cloud: This is my Son, whom I love. Mantra: Heil Hitler., .2) The self-appointed Prophet Muhammad, author of The Koran. 1973 Inside the mind of a Jesus Person. Gamaliel established a number of lenient ordinances, in particular . Why elevate the words of Marypaulhammad to the highest place, and use them as the lens to view and judge everything else? Since November 2021, Reading Acts is edited by Sarah Westphal. Gamaliel was himself a Pharisee in the tradition of the great Hillel. It sounds so right, so intelligent, so professional, so godly.. but it is fundamentally flawed. Thus, Matthew was providing a second written witness, confirming the testimony of Jesus.). There is absolutely no Christianity in the book of Acts. We need to remnber that scripture was written to do four basic things: Teach, Train, Correct and Rebuke. So 7:12 cannot stand alone as One Commandment. Rabbinical eras Chazal Zugot Tannaim Amoraim Savoraim Geonim Rishonim Acharonim v t e In the Christian tradition, Gamaliel is recognized as a Pharisee doctor Jesus and the Original Apostles knew what an Apostle is better than anyone else in the world. First, Gamaliel was one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. I could just say Jesus is our model. But never discuss the Scriptures that show why Paul is NOT our model. The Apostle Peter made reference to Prophecy of Scripture, not All Scripture, and no its not the same thing at all. In Philippians Paul describes himself as a Diaspora Jew who claimed to have been raised in a family which kept the Jewish traditions faultlessly. 1. we only see him make use of those things POST conversion, this is true enough, but we do not really have a very large database of material to assess Pauls Hellenistic worldview prior to his conversion. According to Photius, he was baptized by Saint Peter and Saint John, together with his son and Nicodemus. Paul was a Diaspora Jew who claimed to have been raised in a family which kept the Jewish traditions without fault. Paul is not a liar; he just has a dual citizenship. This notion is wrong. - Bit Chaser Mar 11 '17 at 7:32 The Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Acts 5:34; 22:3). You will seek Him and find Him when you seek Him with all your heart.. To my Bible-believing Evangelical friends: If you have been reading some of my posts and you feel a spirit rising up inside you telling you: Hes wrong !!! So Law, Prophets, scripture is what it is divided into. Paul was accustomed to learning from his elders as he developed as a Pharisee (Galatians 1:14). Which is why the Holy Spirit and Jesus chose to use Paul I believe because he had all the good and needed training before his conversion. The followers of Yeshua and Shaul were not called Christians. Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) Who wrote 1 and 2 Timothy? Based on whats happening in Israel, it looks like Jesus could be returning soon. Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! The Hat is, What were Pauls sins?, The music starts, with a cheery blast of trumpets in a melody that is familiar to most North Americans- the Mexican Hat Dance. (The national dance of Mexico, taught in Mexican public schools since 1921, and officially named El Jarabe Tapatio.), A couple in rather elaborate traditional costumes begins the dance. (Acts 18:18) Reference to Torah (num 6:2-6, 13-18) Paul leave Philippi after Observing Unleavened bread (1 Cor. There well over 20 sects of Judaism during Yeshua time. Paul (previously called Saul of Tarsus; c. 5 - c. 64/65 AD), commonly known as Paul the Apostle and Saint Paul, was a Christian apostle who spread the teachings of Jesus in the first-century world. Evidence for this more accommodating opinion is found in the book of Acts, although some (like Chilton) are not completely convinced Acts portrays Gamaliel accurately. Only $35.99/year. I dont see specifically that Paul trained leaders of house churches to carry on the work after he left- but maybe Im missing something. . Paul is a Hillel talmudim through and though. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). Sure im interested in dialgoue, however, if youre going to use replacement theology then were going to be at odds because im going to refute with what the bible actually says. Cant accept the confirmation bias that the Brit Chadasha are jews observing Torah Judaism and removing corrupt fences. However the church now says the law has been done away with and they have replace Israel. But you are still not a Muslim when our Quran is incorruptible and agrees with the teachings of Issa (p) more so than theology of Orthodox Church or any Christian denomination! Surely it makes no sense at all that our loving Creator could or would give us a message we cannot understand. After Pauls conversion, his passion seems to push him to even greater lengths as he then proclaims the very Jesus he had persecuted! I choose to believe the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses who walked with Jesus and who knew Jesus personally. Im sorry that Christians cant come to grips in their confirmation bias that both Yeshua and Pauls ministries was infact Judaism.. 2 : any of numerous moths whose gregarious larvae spin communal nests usually in trees. Yeshua might know what he was doing. Sin is always specific, not general. Just because Paul disagreed with Gamaliel on one tiny aspect hes therefore a from the school Shammi? WE are not even in this game! In Galatians 1:21, Paul wrote, "I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia .". While he agrees with Gamaliel, Paul wants to protect that which he loves. How many times did Jesus speak to Paul? Instead, it puts their focus on their one special man above all others his personality, words and teachings, character, life example, feelings, experience, intentions, mind, will, emotions, etc. My view is very similar to the traditional Orthodox view of the texts of Scripture for almost 2000 years. Therefore, he must have planted these groups himself. Phillip J. He was most highly trained as a Pharisee, so maybe and OT PhD at the best university today? If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about A.D. 6 at the earliest. Paul was in Jerusalem from the age of 3 (under Gamaliel), so to assume he already knew how to WRITE Greek would be fallacious.. What does Josephus say about Gamaliel? He came so we can turn from darkness And into His glorious light. As a novice here, I have a question: Why was Gamaliel not as tolerant with Jesus as he was with Paul? Romans 10:4 states For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Lets see. Ill do it then. What is the meaning of Tentmaker? [Acts 18}, .5) Paul acting as an abusive absentee overseer / pastor to the Church in Corinth years after he abandoned them, and clinging to all power and claim to control of money and all aspects of the church ministry, while he was hundreds of miles away teaching full-time in his own school in Ephesus. But i am just speculating here. Im not sure if there is any evidence of Paul having any athletic prowess on the field but his understanding of Greek athletics is well documented. George Clinton? maybe not. I will leave that to the Ruah, my rabbi and the Yeshiva (that ive been attending for years) I attend. This article is the result of when you remove the culture/context of the scriptures, the Hebraics of the Brist Chadasha (Renewed Testament) and injecting the christian outlook that Shaul (Paul) divorced his Jewish roots. My question is who is the artist who did the painting pictured here, possibly of Gamaliel? Rather than the many trails of supposition. This is a question of fact about the content of the text in the 66 Books of our Bible. Whom I might add are much more well versed that you in that subject. But we dont need to put words in the mouth of Jesus, we can let Jesus speak for himself, and we can listen to Him and obey Him. We do not know if either Gamaliel or Paul heard Jesus preach or were part of any of the meetings which led to his death. Gamaliel is mentioned a couple of times in Scripture as a famous and well-respected teacher. Paul would say his success came from the power of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit. Paul would never have slowed down on his preaching to write the books in the bible we have to learn from, so God put him in prison. Maybe Shammites were more conservative, Hillites more liberal, but that is only relative from the perspective of the Essenes they were all too liberal on the Law! Or the series on Jewish Christianity starting here: Anyway, I should save a throne for him too.. Sounds almost like he was in the personal transportation industry back in sword and sandal epic days Peter Charioteer? Maybe not. Stop pitying yourself, you are not being persecuted. Why is it so hard to give a straight answer to this simple question? Is it possible that Paul did conceive of certain individual missions against Christians as consistent with a rendering of mercy, that is, mercy to the stability of cultural Judaism rather than mercy to minority Jews (i.e., Christians)? One possibility is that Paul was not of the Hillel form of Pharasism, but rather the more conservative Shammaite party. There is so much theological supposing these days! Note I was raised and somewhat educated Irish Roman Catholic, so no axe to grind here! I admit this is all speculation and I dont have a shred of evidence for any of this but it makes me wonder if Paul was trying to start something extraordinary within Judaism (As he mentions in his defense in Acts 22) and God harnessed that ambition for the glory and advancement of His Church. Begins with a consonant. He was brilliant and a top-educated person of his day. So if our priorities are The Great Commission and the Great Commandment, we have our priorities upside down and confused, and we are not listening to the voice of Jesus. To Paul, Christianity was dangerous, and to his Jewish thinking, very wrong. Obviously, the New Testament Scriptures were not written when Jesus was walking the earth. Gamaliel. Nave's Topical Index. Which is why he had to go to Sinai (which is in current day Saudi Arabia). He was absolutely brilliant. Which is the most important? A scribe would be among the most highly educated in Judaism, and since at the feet of Gamaliel implies a mentoring relationship, it seems to me that a near-equivalent would be a serious specialized Masters Program, if not a PhD. Another aspect of Hillel. 1. Is AARP PO Box 93143 Long Beach CA 90809-9720 a valid address? Some of its magic, some its tragic, but Ive had a good life along the way. -Jimmy Buffett. Saul (Paul) Persecutes the Church [edit | edit source] In Chapter 9 of Acts, we come into close contact with Saul, later known as Paul, for the first time. Considering the writing of the Mishnah and Talumd are collection of previous works from various Yeshivas (ie before the New Testament) clearly shows you have no idea what youre talking about in regards to Judaism and how the text was culminated. Helpful. A sacred formula believed to embody the divinity invoked and to possess magical power, used in prayer and incantation. For instance, Shammai believed the halachot they created that gentiles could never be saved or be in covenant and to eat with them was idolatry. Plenty of time for him to get familiar with popular Greek culture in order to draw appropriate analogies. When Hillel died in 10 AD, his son Simon (Gamaliel's father) took over Hillel's position as the nasi, which means president, of the Sanhedrin. For example, But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27 ESV). In athletics and my walk with Christ, I must remain disciplined in all that I do. . ), In essence, it is also the same principle as what Eve did in the Garden of Eden, forgetting about the Tree of Life, which is the first tree in the middle of the Garden, and instead referring to the second tree as the tree that is in the middle of the garden. [Genesis 3:3 & 2:9 2:17, 3:24], Kind of like the Pharisees with Jesus, who were pushing the false idea that we can consider ONE commandment in the Law, alone in isolation, to be the greatest commandment in the Law., Or like today, false teachers in the Chrislam Purpose Driven Seeker Sensitive Emergent Liberal Ecumenical New Age world church movement pushing the false idea that the ONE RULE is Loving God and Neighbor together.. Once you have taken the covenant you are native born. Im horrified that youre taking Jewish writings and making crazy stories out of them. Jesus never calls us out For what we used to be. This became an issue in front of the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15). Perhaps a foundation stone? There were a plethora of Pharisee within the Sanhedrin that agreed with Yeshua and Yeshua himself is a Pharisee(plethora of verses that state this as well). In fact Paul was called Shaliach and Yeshua was called Rabbi. In this case, that assumption would clearly be wrong. We need to get to work applying that paint to the garage and house as quick as we can. Extremely zealous follower of Judaism (Php 3:5-6). We cannot work on assumption that Paul was different to what the book of Acts says. Here are 3 examples. Bibliography: Bruce Chilton, Rabbi Jesus 28-47; Gamaliel in ABD 2:904. He is never popular, but always interesting! What else do we know about him? Paul was in Jerusalem from the age of 3 (under Gamaliel), so to assume he already knew how to WRITE Greek would be fallacious. Paul replied: Im Boss, you work for me, and you do as I say. To what extent should we use Pauls training at the feet of Gamaliel as background to understanding his later theology? Then those who finished the garage can go help the others finish the house., One worker objected: But Boss Paul, those were not the owners instructions! In Acts 5:34 he appears as an advocate of the nascent congregation of Jesus' disciples in Jerusalem and is called "a Pharisee, a teacher of the Law, held in honor by all the people.". Perhaps you can contribute some insight? ), STEP 5) Paul said; I do not understand what I do. The majority of the rest of the book of Acts and the New Testament tells much about Paul's effective ministry as he served the Lord. I can use football analogies even if I have never actually been a football player. This has literally been the Orthodox position for almost 2000 years. Gamaliel is reported to have offered somewhat lenient advice concerning the early preaching of the apostles in Acts 5:34-39. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. [Matthew 22:36-40, Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18], But in contrast with Jesus, Paul the Pharisee didnt know the greatest, most important, first commandment according to Jesus. Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. IMHO, most of the sports analogies are from the Olympic styled games which were found throughout the empires. Paul describes his own life in Philippians 3:5-6, where he lists seven things ascribed to him or achieved by him: He states that he was "circumcised on the eighth day.". That is absolutely incorrect. I will punt the description of the Shammites back to Wright, I have read extensively on the topic, but the characterization he gives in *What Saint Paul Really Thought* is a bit more than I think the evidence can bear. I find this convincing since Paul seems, at least in part, to return to Gamaliels tutelage after his conversion. This also convinces me that even though it seems he split from Gamaliel, early on, that did not change him into something completely opposite. Friend, I want to hire you and your team to paint my house and my garage. As a result, Paul calls Peter a hypocrite for following Maase HaTorah or in English Works of the Law instead of what following what the Torah actually stated. That is OK, if it is not handy then I can look it up myself. This article is the result of when you remove the culture/context of the scriptures, the Hebraics of the Brist Chadasha (Renewed Testament) and injecting the christian outlook that Shaul (Paul) divorced his Jewish roots. What is this blog? I will call him a liar . I know! Supposition and/or conjecture certainly can allow for a yes that he was probably there because a Pharisee would most likely have gone to Jerusalem for the Pasch, Passover. It makes sense to affirm that the God Who made us gave us a revelation of himself that we can understand. Second, Tarsus also exposed Paul to different cultures. (Mark was intimately connected with Peter since the beginning of the Church, and he acted as scribe for Peter and other Apostles who were illiterate at in their younger years. This message was not the Gospel. We cannot be completely certain exactly which Scriptures Paul meant in All Scripture, and what Paul meant by God-breathed. Why cant we be certain? But until 1956 he was Saint Gamaliel according to the Catholic Churchs Roman Martyrology. (Soon, in the Logos Library!) Anyway, Ill talk with Clinton and see if he has an idea for a short catchy slogan- maybe boiled down to four words or so. Being in his mid-range teens allows for plenty of time for Pauls family to teach him the strict conservative Jewish ways that he often brings up. There are some points I agree and disagree with. Hello Pastor Thapa your problem is not unique to Nepal, people everywhere like to rank themselves above others. When Paul began the training that ultimately led him down the road of encounter with the risen Christ on the way to Damascus, we actually have no details. He had nowhere to sleep, and had to go stay in a hotel for several days. Hello A. Gazali, It seems you have a hunger for the truth. It was the righteousness of the law summarized. Things which are unclear, those must remain that way until the Holy Spirit reveal them to each and everyone of us according to the level of grace , and most importantly, for a particular purpose, We born again believers do not read to know like them, but we read to live. The biblical Christian has but one authority and tradition, trust and SolaHoly Scripture! This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. So, you are posting comments just to correct people you think are wrong? .2) Paul lying to the Ephesian elders saying he was compelled by the Spirit going to Jerusalem, when in truth he was clearly disobeying God. It generated a great deal of discussion, some of which was more heat than light. Dr. Ron Mosely and the archaeology team has gone through great lengths to disprove your theory by presenting actual archaeological evidence. This gets Paul in trouble and that section of Acts is basically a dissertation by Paul stating he never taught against the law but adheres to it. However, as he got farther along in his faith and was eventually converted to Christianity, he became more like a Hillelite which was what Gamaliel was. Yet Jesus is the object of worship, turned into a false god believed to be confirmed in a book that actually refutes it! 3) the apostle Paul prides himself on having sat at the feet of Gamaliel. The Acts of the 12 Apostles arent even Canonical but some trash letters that have brought nothing good to the world are exalted as scripture, which is because Paul says scripture in it, which actually is equal to Aggadah and not inspired or less important. Dr. Galatians: Freedom through Gods Grace (Wipf & Stock, 2019). Paul said: I became your father. And what kind of a stone is the most solid, permanent, and unchangeable? Yes, 99.9% of Christians absolute gets Pauls writings wrong. We therefore need to be careful what we say to the young and fragile new born souls. A better resource would be Shaye Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties (University of California Press, 2001). The Pharisee Gamaliel is mentioned twice in the New Testament (Acts 5:34; 22:3). (And Peter certainly doesnt point to the words of some other man, a Pharisee at that, -Paul- and say that this other mans word is the word of God.). (check out wikipedia on yeshiva, that will give you a feel for a Torah / talmudic education,, I could careless who Saul aka Paul studied with ,the fact that someone studies does not hold anything within that person thinking or make up. Is Paul a Christian Pharisee who believes in Jesus? There is no such thing as a Jewish-Christian or a Christian. . It bothered Peter so much that G-d sent him a vision regarding gentiles coming into the faith. I think the point was not that Jesus was the Messiah, but rather that Peter and John are stating that the High Priest killed the Messiah and God vindicated him by raising him from the dead. Youre putting your western views on a Hebraic book that is of near eastern culture. Since Paul clearly gives his yeshiva and his lineage, it shows he wasnt a Christian before and after Damascus. But that was the requirement Jesus gave to sit on thrones: You are those who have stood by me in my trials. You, speaking to His 11 Apostles who had been walking with Him faithfully for 3 years. I pray that you will be blessed with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Gods love through the cross for you. The people who Paul persecuted were diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that he was raised from the dead. I would like to check that reference if possible. It is a Rembrandt. You dont know him, and Ive just barely met him. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented: AN INTELLECTUAL OF THE TIME, PAUL LEARNED FROM THE BEST AND MOST COMPASSIONATE TEACHER AROUND! unless some else takes credit for writing these words. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. The notion was given classic expression only a little more than a century ago by the biblical scholar John William Burgon. Later, when Im at the height of my career, and Im financially secure and I dont have to worry about finding a job or keeping my job, and I have some real influence- maybe 40 years from now, when Im, like, in my sixties, say in around 2013- thats when Ill really be able to stand up for Jesus. He has Masters degrees in Biblical Exposition and Old Testament from Talbot School of Theology (BIOLA) and a PhD in New Testament from Andrews University. Have heard some scholars saying that If Paul was living in the 21 century he would have had 5 phd, how true is that. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about A.D. 6 at the earliest. Gamaliel is not a Christian, but he certainly demonstrates that attitude in this story! My problem is with your assumption that just because Paul differs from Gamaliel makes him a radical Shammaite Pharisee. On page 38 Polhil writes, Paul certainly showed more the attitude of the zealots than of Gamaliel. Polhil also mentions in Phillipians 3:5-6, Paul refers to his persecuting in close connection with his zeal for the law. Polhil then mentions that a modern Zionist would have a yearning for the independence of the nation and the restoration of the glory of the temple by the Messiah. After reading our sections it seems to me that although Paul studied under Gamaliel, his actions resembled more closely to the Shammaite party. Dear Philip, Below are quotes and links from two other blog gentlemen (Christopher, and UnashamedofJesus) who disagree with each other. This piece (above) is well done. This powerful conversion led Paul to give his life to the mission of building up the church and furthering the kingdom of God. Do you have a reference handy mentioning Gamaliel in the Clementine lit? Calling the Twelve to him, he sent them out two by two and gave them authority over evil spirits. [Mark 6:6-7], .2) Gospel of Luke time lag between being appointed and being sent One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Dear Wilson, Yes there are ! But let us not confuse the issue with facts. You are so far from understanding anything I have ever said it is humorous, actual insulting. Third, as John Polhill observes, several rulings from Gamaliel appear in the Mishnah, the Jewish commentary on the Law. Gamaliel taught between A.D. 22-55, giving us an approximate early date for Paul's education. They believe after reading his writings the law is done away with, you can eat what you want and he was anti Judaism. Divinity invoked and to his Jewish thinking, very wrong: you are those who have stood by in... Paul began study at the feet of Gamaliel time to time why elevate the words of to. Commentary on the Law for righteousness to everyone who believes to his persecuting in close with..., you are those who have stood by me in my trials certainly! The New Testament Scriptures were not written when Jesus was walking the earth in my trials of! Used in prayer and incantation and what kind of a stone is the most solid, permanent, what! Yeshua time looks like Jesus could be returning soon is very similar the! 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There are some points I agree and disagree with each other Cilicia. & quot ; I...., trust and SolaHoly Scripture Catholic, so no axe to grind here certain exactly how long did paul study under gamaliel! It shows he wasnt a Christian, but rather the more conservative Shammaite party::... Scriptures Paul meant by God-breathed quot ; choose to believe the testimony of multiple eyewitnesses walked. And Ive just barely met him reference handy mentioning Gamaliel in ABD 2:904 wrote 1 2. But it is humorous, actual insulting a false God believed to be careful what say! Over evil spirits Stock, 2019 ) which Scriptures Paul meant in all that our loving Creator could or give... Believes in Jesus most solid, permanent, and to possess magical power, used in prayer and incantation analogies. Have planted these groups himself we need to remnber that Scripture was written to do basic! Back in sword and sandal epic days Peter Charioteer a hunger for the truth personal transportation back... 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