- Executed CAF's most zealous F-16 Blk 40 FHP; avg 32% jets in depot--312.1 hrs per PAA with avg 19 UTE, - Executed Set Piece Demo practices; 24 mx'ers trn'd on a/c turn procedures--FW on track for NATO Strike Evl - Headed Moron AB TDY; 21 critical balances certified/126 tons of cargo moved--sustained 1.3K transient a/c, - Id'd Coalition Cargo ITV gap; bridged AMR tracking w/5 agencies--secured cargo sight f/10 NATO SOF units - Drove Libya evac/op OAKEN LOTUS; 6 a/c < 6hrs/2.5K muns/12.8 hr sorties--safed 39 veh convoy/152 lives - Championed quality mx; piloted 175 PRD repairs/7.2K mx actions--sustained outstanding 92.2% QA pass rate Air Force employers who are grade E-7 and above are known as Senior Non-commissioned Officers or SNCOs. Contact admin@eprbulletsafsc.com Disclaimer. - Mng'd acft availability; balanced 798 sched events w/HHQ tasking auth--enabled 64 MAF msns/99% MSE rt 2Q '19 - 455 AEW FGOM; cmbt-tested ldr, revised RS/OFS msn SOPs--vison sharpened strategic impact of AOR msns, - AMXS pivotal to Op ANAKONDA, 1st PLAF-led large force exer; 8 acft/32 sorties--supported NATO objs - Exceptional NCO/CS; obligated $78k of NGB funded/Wing desired EOY items, $0 turned back in to NGB - Expertly juggled 22% FHP increase/TDYs/AEF prep/alert/Surety--led all fighters in 4/10 mx metrics, FY14, - Expertly led 430 mx prsnl to execute 9.7K hr FHP; 6 TDYs/HHQ alert taskings/2 Wg Ex's--FW dual-doc ready, - Facilitated mx trng sched; 73 crses/1.3K Amn/4 Sq/2.7K trng event updates--98% trng sched effectiveness rate The Air Force argues the move will help standardize the senior enlisted role across each of the armed services and to other countries, improving how the branches work together and clarifying what airmen can offer. - Utilized existing equipment and spare parts to assemble needed rack--saved Air Force over $3K in material costs, - Validated 600 AEF taskings--100% analyzed/resolved; provided COCOMs w/essential war-ready capabilities - Crafted/mentored winning team; flt earned Sq Chief's Choice Awd x2--AEW/CC coined 6 mbrs/1 by CFACC - Managed 51 F-16s/7.3K sorties/24 TCTOs/ 20 phase/26 guns/12 OTIs--unit crushed UEI/NSSAV/Strike Evals, - Managed Ex IRON HAND prep; 78 prsnl/6 acft/19 sorties--first in CAF to demo multi-MDS SEAD techniques - Earned Professional Managers Certification; completed 6 credit hours--broadened management/supervisory skillsets - Effectively managed 4 sections inspiring best performance; supported 4 ops squadrons & Dets--enabled 300+ sorties - Equipment custodian; Managed/tracked 35 pieces of equip valued over $34K--100% accountability of ADPE items - Conducted ADPE verification; inventoried 67 items--recovered 11 missing assets--saved $2.5K/negated ROS, - Conducted UMD/AEF system training--instructed 2 LRS personnel; improved understanding/wartime expertise - Versatile leader; augmented as 510th AMU Production Superintendent--led 32 JNCOs/SNCOs/governed FHP. It could also clear up confusion in units that have multiple superintendents with different duties. - Steered Exer RED FLAG 15-1 prep; steered 208 mbrs/1K tasks/readied 14 acft--ensured vital pilot/JTAC trng - FW enlisted/mx lead, 60 mbrs/4 a/c on Spain TDY; 0 mx devs/off-duty incidents--6 NATO countries cmbt cert, - Gen'd 2 POTUS spt acft; over 21 days mvd 240 psnl/450 tons spt eqpt--enabled US/North Korean Hanoi Summit '19 Brush up on your enlisted vocabulary, airmen: Theres a new duty title in town. - Piloted Cmd's mobile-kit prgm; crafted 25 pg OI/secured $145K purchase--24/7 secure C2/Exec Comm Spt for AOR - Orchestrated Wg NSSAV acft generation plan; 2 acft/11 NCE assets/22 people--AMXS no major/sig findings - Staunch leadership; superior execution of seamless gen, Ex Wyvern-Talon 02-12--vital to 18/18 a/c in 30 hrs - Steered daily swingshift mx actions; managed 25 acft/195 Amn/8 AFSCs--drove AMU's 769 sorties/1233 hrs And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. - Piloted mx for 4-day/5-go surge; fixed 25 PRDs/enabled 166 sorties--reaped 90.6% MC rate/0 lines lost to mx - Built legions; realigned crews/dispersed experience--1,144 WSS load evals w/ astonishing 97.4% pass rate, - C2'd 5 CJCS/SECAF wpn inv's; 4-wks/6 agencies/1.2K man-hrs--$12.2B assets; "Supply Spt" NSI "Excellent" - Expertly led 91 personnel/7 AFSCs; generated 408 combat sorties/1.8K+ flying hours--100% ATO achieved - Cut acft downtime 23%; merged TCTOs/B-Scopes/gun insps/Egress TCI--11% TNMCM rate, FY14/std 14%, - Deployed 18 acft/40T cargo to BAF, led 16-mbr phase dock; enabled 2.8K sorties/12K hrs flown, 278 EKIA - Led CDDAR F-16 infield extraction; returned afld ops <2 hrs--restored ATO msns/allowed medivac landing - Oversaw mx processes; 8 107-T engineer req/7 PQDR's/13 AFTO 22's/4 chklst--75% fix/5.9% break rt, #1 f/USAFE - Built perfect response to F-16 divert to Croatia; 10-man team/$1.5M/800K lbs--plan benchmarked by 31 LRS, - Championed 12 major mx events; 9 Weighs/4 Gears/3 ADG time chgs--nailed impressive 98% MSE rate, Feb - Mission focused; drove 37 Code-3 repairs; secured 1.8 % rep/recur rate, Feb '11--smashed 4% CAF standard - BNR f/TF 5.1 beddown tm; led 12 mbr infrastructure spt element/68 rqmts--dvlpd security plan f/$4.1M Jt Ops center - Led 200+ personnel Anatollion Eagle TDY, Jun '10--Ensured valuable aircrew training in joint environment - Focused unit LNSI prep; executed NCE insp plan/zero defects noted USAFE IG--secured "Satisfactory" rating - Sq rep to rewrite AFI 21-101 Aviano Sup; removed redundancies/cut by 75%--clear/concise policy for MXG - Trn'd/cert'd two Pro Supers; exceptional release/database/I O qual'd--increased section efficency by 50 %, - Unit IO expert; trained five fellow SNCOs on proper a/c impoundment clearing procedures; raised qual's 32% They review structural work in progress, and oversee work schedules, making changes when conditions warrant. - #1/26 MSG Flt/CCs! Drove Dec 08 5-go surge; 510 AMU launched 135 sorties/167.3 hrs in 4 days w/ 83.8% MC, - USAFE rep to AFGSC Force Improvement Prgm; 50+ interviews/brf'd 3-star--reinvigorated nuclear enterprise - Ensured 1st-time fix; impressive 2.7% repeat/recur rate, flew 570+ sorties/mo--exceeded CAF std 12/12 mos - Guided 3 gun insps/18 mav vid repairs; fired 21K rnds 20mm/100% AGM-65 rel rate--Wg wpns-rdy for AEF Duties of Air Force Aircraft Armament Systems Specialists On a given day, these airmen will load an unload nuclear and non-nuclear munitions, explosives, bombs, rockets and other devices on Air Force aircraft. - Built NCE inspection plan/both AMUs; insp'd 300 items/fixed 57 defects--3 unit mbrs named "IG Performers" - Developed ldrs! 1A1X1 Flight Engineer. - Expedited HHQ tasking; procured msn critical $60K OAP unit--averted potential UTC shortfalls/EUCOM rdy - Investigated 31 mishaps; ID'd root causes/guided process changes--gen'd CAF-wide crosstell/enhanced safety culture, - Led 5 member tm; dir'd 61 DV visits/20 ceremonies/6 events--showcased msn capes/cmbt ops f/AF premier RPA wg The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. - Dir'd AOR growth; forged facility design/solutions SOCCENT/CENTCOM/SOCOM msn--guaranteed 2.6k cbt msns - Instructed 3 SNCOs on Prod Super duties; boosted sec availibility by 45%--charged 98.4% MSE rate/95% std Enter contributions below and click Send. Thanks! - Directed mgmt of seven CANN a/c; 6 of 7 "Code-1" on maiden flight--critical to unit w/ 32% of a/c in depot - ORE Lead; prepped 250 personnel/15 of 18 a/c gen'd/accepted by WgEET--secured overall "Excellent" rating - Drove superior mx std's; 900+ pilot reported discrepancies repaired--#1 CAF repeat/recur rate 2.4% < 4% std This was a change that the boss and I thought made sense, Bass wrote on Facebook Aug. 5. - Authored TAR QAM report: Review'd/validat'd 90 lines;/identified 32 docs/$15M in discrpncies--met NGB suspense We know what we do. - Perfected 5-day phase process; fed hrly UTE rate 5 times F-16 CAF std w/ 0 gaps--EMXGs SNCO of mo, May Managed $3.2M NATO CCF project; 3 full acft paints c/w--eliminated 6-yr backlog/svd $450K, - Bedrock of Wg's surety prgms; 77 evnts/11 org's--9 "Excellent/Outstanding" ratings/6 "Superior Tms" '15 NSI - Supervised 9 AFSC; tackled 800 WOs/4.2K PM hrs/upgrades f/ISR TOC/$10M--upheld 2 named ops/$150M assets, - Managed 3 AT/FP projects; installed perimeter fence/37x cameras/2x TST/$3M--safed 2.2K jt personnel/75-acre afld, - Executed POL yard construction; postured 35 vehicles/40 ISUs/50K fuel gallons--enabled 360 sorties f/32 Allied acft, - Exceptional program mngr; executed SCA Appx 23 bdgt of $275k+with 0 deficiencies--Installation security bolstered, - Actively involved; stepped up for WIT, QA, CDDAR roles, vol'd for SQ & civic events--improving unit & COMREL, - Admin'd English language tests to 86 LAF officers/NCOs; ensured partner nation prep'd to attend vital U.S. trng, - Aggressively cultivates environment of teamwork, diversity, unity and cohesiveness/respected mentor/wingman, - Best of the best! - Balanced mx priorities; fused 30 egress/15 gun/13 phase insps w/FHP/TDYs--3.5K sorties/4.3K hrs achieved - Managed 220 prsnl; juggled 3 TDYs/Alert/Nuke gens/local insps; 3 COCOMs supported/endless 31 FW reach - Overhaul'd Wg's PL-1 EE/ED process; 3K trng hours--"Emerg Exercise" MGA; "Best in USAFE" NSSAV rslt Enter contributions below and click Send. 1A7X1 Aerial Gunner. Both levels of superintendent are more concerned with manning, admin, personnel, and training issues that day-to-day operations on the flight line. 1A8X1 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR). - Revamped Unit PQDR program; Saved 302nd $200,497 in 1 year attributing to a 75% increase from last year, - Scheduled recurring, emergency maintenance on work center equip--foresight produced data on target at 99% rate! - Scrutinized 295 pilot-reported write-ups/ensured quality fixes--drove 88.4% MC rate, 1st qtr FY11--CAF best The average duty time for the promotion to Master Sergeant (E-7) is 17 years. - Directed 18 CANN actions; validated 12 MICAP reqs/mx fixes--91.7% FSE/10% above standard/led CAF - Execut'd UDM Staff Assistance Visit; audit'd 50 folders/resolv'd 10 errors--six units 100% combat/deployment ready, - Executed qtrly MICT assessments; inspected sq corrosion control program--elim'd $400K/69 tank replacement - Drove AMU Stripes on Line; QA pass rt up 15%/0 safety/tech data violations 6 mos--USAFE Daedalian Awd, - Drove Exer RF success; deployed 14 acft/186 prsnl, drove 493 sorties/1K flt hrs--bested 8 of 10 CAF metrics - Oversaw Gp/CC insp mgmt bd; mng'd 139 SACs/2.8K items/11 observations/4 CPI events--verified 99% compliance - Prioritized health of fleet; 251 sch mx actions/54 time change items--AMU MSE rate 97%, 2% above CAF std - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas - Commandeered On-the-job training program; resulting in 6 airmen receiving their upgraded status ahead of schedule - Managed 250 prsn; juggled 2 airshows/4 TDYs/OUP/AEF swap; 3 COCOMs supported/endless 31 FW reach USAF - City, STATE. - Directed AIM-120 missile wing OTI; 100% complete < 2 hrs--averted potential dropped object/$600 rep cost, - Directed Op ATLANTIC RESOLVE; 117 sorties/137 Amn--1st-ever rockets fired in Poland/6 pilots upgraded Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services. - Poland TDY project ofcr; prepped 125 Amn/125 tons cargo/ 6 a/c--PDM signed $434K below USAFE buget! Thanks! - Ability to lead; led night shift PAR team for 20 AMXS during Feb 2010 ORE--contributed to overall success - Projo'd f/ AATTC; piloted 9 mbr team/gen'd 18 srts f/ missile/combat threat trng--multiplied 6 mbr air crew tm capes 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. - Revamped unit PMEL prgm; created 365-day insp plan--slashed overdues/MXG equip shortfallsled USAFE - Accurately prepared air defense war fighters on time-sensitive intelligence regarding LRA activity in the PAC AOR . - Led compliance-based culture; instilled focus on tech data/safety--nailed 2.6K QA insps/90% pass rate, 1Q15 - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant Ensuring that all the equipment is regularly maintained is the job of Maintenance Management Production specialists. - Executed 43 "Tiger Team" insps; fixed 145 discrepancies/rectified neg trends--zero EET rejects, Sep 11 ORE - Implemented Repair Network Integration sizing efforts; shifted $600K to critical AFSCs--AF saved $45M/5yrs - Excellent Wartime Program Mgr--verified 109 Global Thunder exer taskings; strengthened nuclear enterprise - Submitted 12 107-T requests; coord'd repair options w/ engineers/EAMU--saved 120 man-hrs/$640K in parts - Est'd SSR trn crs; saved SOCCENT $250k annl/440 hrs/prep'd 45 operators--secured $8B SOF assets/12K ISR mbr's, - Established CSS intern prgm f/postal 3F5s; trained 15 prsnl prior PCS'g--bolstered CC admin spt f/future assignments - Delivered airpower; pushed flightline mx ops; generated 1.7K sorties/3.6K hrs--82.4% MC rate Jan-Mar '11 When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. EPRBullets.com Contact admin@eprbullets.com. Contribute to AF-VCD/bullet-scraper development by creating an account on GitHub. - Spearheaded HQ level EX; led 10 psn team to recover acft f/ two days in CBRNE condition--AF level TTP's captured - Wrapped up CAF Pro Super Crse; shared gained knowledge w/new supers--bolstered AMU mx capabilities - Quickly responded to domestic violence & suicide ideation; escorted/assisted family to prof assistance--zero life loss, - Raised direct customer suport 500 hrs; increased provider availability--key to AFMC "Best Hospital 2012" - This tool can optimize spacing; output will be red if the optimizer could not fix spacing with 2004 or 2006 Unicode spaces. - Decisive acting Commander! - Completed Career Management crs; honed leadership/org/prsnl management skills--mentored/enhanced Qol 31 Amn - Instilled quality; Specs 100% QA/Support 100% CTK pass rates, Sep 09/2 ZD 1600 hr LG insps--AMU firsts! - Resurrected $33M acft, grounded 374 days! - Cultivated mx excellence; directed 6 flts/7K tasks, drove Sq's 93% QA pass rate--bested CAF 85% std by 8%, - Day 1 RF msn/cc; led 51-jet night DCA scenario vs advanced threats--"Best day 1 vul, I've ever seen", RF/CC Helped out family of deployed Air Force member with yard work and hurricane clean-up--leads by example: - Aviano 1st! - Briefed several theater commanders, dignitaries on critical mission intelligence during ops--enabled cohesive effort, - Brilliant training monitor; four airman/NCOs in upgrade training--100% pass rate/amazing 85% average score usage and MX discipline - Led static display for ITAF CoC ceremony; honored old/new Host Base CC--cemented US & Italian alliance, - Managed 126 Code-3 repairs; merged AFETS tng/flightline mx troubleshooting--fix rate 11% above std Oct'11 - Drove solid fixes on 183 system fails; #1 CAF repeat/recur rate 2.2%, beat 4% std--awd'd best AMXS in AF! - Completed BAH/Address/Mil pay/PRA audits; reviewed 1609 documents/900 transactions--8 discrepancies found JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Senior master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out July 31, will be accomplished on the newly published Air Force Form 911, Enlisted Evaluation Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), available July 31 on the ePublishing website. Exceeded expectations/team focused; step above the rest/performs at SMSgt lvl--Truly a Mentor, - Extraordinary manager; ensured 100% accountability of 60+ COMSEC items; account rated among Wing's best, - Facilitated instruction of 65 ARC prsnl; prep'd 17 trainers/cert'd 563 tasks--postured total force for worldwide dpylmt, - Fortified FW dplymnt ops; petitioned HQ/secured $134K flu shots 45 days early--vaccinated 542 warriors ISO 4 AORs, - Grad'd 1st Sgt Symposium crs; bolstered Wg network/JBLM resource skillset--primed for vectoring/Diamond ready, - Hard charger; example for subordinates & peers to emulate, dedicated--attention to detail boosted squadron readiness. - Led reconfiguration of six a/c; coordinated muns delivery/prioritized mx actions--OUP tasking met in < 6 hrs
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