nike hercules missile radiation exposure

Reunions; Current Events; Cold War. Climbing a very rusty ABAR tower at D/2/52 to perform antenna service and wondering, "Will this rusty old ladder hold my weight?". The House eventually came to support the Defense Secretary's position as stated in the Master Air Defense Plan, retaining Hercules while reducing BOMARC and SAGE. Cold War Missiles in Miami | One morning we ran the HIPAR antennas up into position and all the interlock lights lit so I lit up the transmitter and suddenly every neon lamp in the ACQ van starts flashing on and off which I quickly realized was in time with the antenna rotation. Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012, From: "Robert Kirk" Sometime later our site was called up as we were the backup battery. This led to the use of semi-trailer systems for the fire control systems, which could be easily moved and re-positioned as required. We weren't sure what kind of treasure we had found but we started picking the stuff up and putting it in the jeeps. Bell also proposed a much more modified design known as "Nike Hercules" with an enlarged upper fuselage able to carry the XW-7 warhead of up to 40kt (170TJ)[9]:57 that wouldn't fit in the existing fuselage. MPs an 16Bs (most sites), Down RockyStovall | About 5 minutes in a confined space with that stuff had you seeing pretty green stars. [24], Even before deployment of Hercules began, studies on improvements to the system had been identified. [36] On the IFC the status of the selected missile was given. Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 4:33:29 PM VA recognizes that the following diseases are possibly caused by exposure to ionizing radiation during service: All cancers. General Electric demonstrated a prototype on 11 February 1964. HM-95 | While stationed at D/2/52 on Krome Avenue in spring 1972 we went to the RFTS to perform dailies and found that due to heavy rain the previous evening, there were approximately 100 snakes of several different types coiled up on the concrete pad at the base of the mast. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. Finding a nike hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. 126 feet, Target Tracking Home | The TRR was operated by the track supervisor. There was an American with him in the barn at the time but didnt see him lock and load a round. Oozlefinch | Needless to say the engineering section chief and his assistant got read the riot act. the narrow pulse mode, from the low power acquisition radar when rotating, from may be used as a guide to prevent radio-frequency radiation hazards. Nike Humor; 2nd Missile Bn 52nd ADA (Florida) ARADCOM Trophy; Regimental Crests; The Oozlefinch; Stories. From: Emmett R. Caraker Jr. Sent: Friday, March 8, 2013. Members | The occasion was the national commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Defense Department. Sat and Bat team call out a 3am to check security alert in B section. Precautions should be taken to insure that personnel are not exposed ammo trailer that lost three Over its lifetime, significant effort was put into the development of solid state replacements for the vacuum tube-based electronics inherited from the early-1950s Ajax, and a variety of mobile options. SC for Disabilities Resulting From Exposure to Ionizing Radiation. Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 4:38:38 PM He also testified that the Nike-Hercules missiles had atomic warheads and that he felt that he had significant exposure to ionizing radiation because of his military duties. [9] Beginning around 1965, the number of Nike batteries was reduced. With the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the units were deactivated in 1988. Tumors of the brain and central nervous system. [25], In early 1956, Bell began studies of the Improved Nike Hercules (INH) concept by considering the predicted threat for the 1960-65 period. The intensity of the beam from the target tracking radar in Ajax's boosters were housed in steel tubes that fell near the base, presenting a serious range safety concern. truck breaking bone's (compound ANTENNA Radiation exposure High pressure hydraulic lines bursting In the danger zone of a radiating antenna Body parts sucked into cooling fans German citizens taking pot shots at the IFC due to getting tired of the constant blip-blip-blip from the HIPAR Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. CWVA I was diagnosed in October 2014. Spec.-5 Emmett R. Caraker Jr. NATO units from West Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Turkey continued to use the Hercules for high-altitude air defense until the late 1980s. R. . F16 buzz the IFC so the IFC made the F16 light come on (lock on the F16). Generators | It was a very angry civilian screaming that we were melting the front end of his receiver: puddles of brass waveguide! Radar-Non-scanning However, as rumours of a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons spread, SNODGRASS became a crash project to be completed before 1 September 1958 at any available site the Nevada Test Site was fully booked with the existing Project AMMO testing series. Similar systems quickly emerged from other nations, including the S-75 Dvina (SA-2) from the USSR,[7] and the English Electric Thunderbird in the UK. The M-36E1 was a steel rectangle with electric and hydraulic components and a large erecting beam supported by movable supports. Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed Given the low resolution of the tracking radars available at the time, a formation of aircraft would appear on the radars as a single larger return. The mishap led to the release of four nuclear weapons. I proceeded with the test at 3 AM. [9]:57. In his 26 November 1956 memorandum, he limited the Army to weapons with 200-mile (320km) range, and those involved in ground-to-air defense to only 100 miles (160km). Still at Redstone: Having a generator mechanic switch out generators and not have it in phase with the other generator running to the van. 2nd of the 52nd | Access to the Mobile HIPAR antenna trailer and the roofs of We looked everywhere for the slug and SASCOM came in to search for it too. The guidance commands were sent to the missile by modulating the MTR transmit signal. They saw this as an extension of the Army's existing "point defence" role, and as a valuable backup to their own manned interceptors. The guys in the bunker thought they were toast (literally). The Hercules system was compared to threats ranging from the relatively short-range Little John, Honest John and Lacrosse through medium-range systems like Corporal, Sergeant and Lance, and finally the long-range (for battlefield concerns) 200mi (320km) Redstone. You're in the army now; The occasion was the national commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the defense department. resulting reflections may present a potential hazard to personnel workingin TestEquipment | AirDefense | It is not clear in existing sources why the design was named "Nike B" and not "Nike IB", given that the Nike Zeus was known as "Nike II". Murray Hill was across from our Hipar about 600 yards on the next hill with a perfect line of sight to the HIPAR when locked down for the test! It is relatively easy to jam a conventional radar by sending out additional pulses of radio signal on the same frequency. I was at Delta Team 43rd Artillary with our headquarters in Duran. The problem was the missile launcher itself, and especially the large HIPAR radar, which presented a formidable mobility problem. Nike Hercules was included in SALT I discussions as an ABM. The HIPAR was fired up and the rotation was locked with the antenna pointed at a certain point off the east coast. On both the IFC and the LA maintenance people were available. exposed to levels above 10 milliwatts per square centimeter. LaunchEquipment | MemoryLane | All CONUS Hercules batteries, with the exception of the ones in Florida and Alaska, were deactivated by April 1974. Note that this has no effect on the determination of the direction to the target, which is the same for both the original and jammer pulses. There was one location, which, as a courtesy, you were to call them at 2:45 AM and warn them the test would start at 3:00 AM. I know.. it's not possible.right. maximum permissible exposure level for personnel subjected to RF radiation 801 and above-Rotating take a cab), Best HA-08 HA-25 | The DoD invested considerably in upgrading the security of the storage areas of the launcher sections, ultimately installing significant towers that were capable of watching over all three sections within the "exclusion area". NY53 | A discussion about veterans health. In one Redeye shoulder launch test there was a fault in the software that caused the missile to lock full left if it failed to acquire a hot target. We were using trichlorethelene (but not in a well vented area). Information from the MTR and TTR continued to be fed to the computer for updating the intercept point based on any actual changes in either the missile or the target location, speed or direction. In the case of Hercules, all of the radars were typically mounted on (concrete) elevated platforms to improve their line-of-sight. Sent: Sunday, July 7, 2013 8:14:23 PM out there that want to add to the list just send your material to the Soon after design work started, the Army requested that the existing liquid fuel engine be replaced with a solid fuel design, for a variety of reasons. Chief), Being a nube and forgetting to I was woken at 6:30 AM by our Master Sergeant banging on my door telling me to get dressed and report to the base commander now and bring the daily log! We then drove around out on the desert jumping over sand dunes with the jeeps. Medic put a person in the tactical amb backwords so their head is near the tailpipe. [9]:60, In a famous event, the Air Force interviewed for an article that appeared in the New York Times entitled "Air Force Calls Army Nike Unfit To Guard Nation". a rattle snake in your tent Any single battery could only launch a single missile at a time, due to the limited number of radars, computers and operators. When the command came to raise elevator everything started moving, the elevator started upward, the erector beam was rising and the magazine doors did not open. It was quite a bit bigger than the Nike Ajax launcher and it weighed about 7 tons. This complexity added enormously to the cost and time required to maintain the missiles. Dogs | A nuclear weapons mishap occurred on January 17, 1966, over Palomares, Spain, when a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52 bomber and KC-135 tanker aircraft collided. Beginning in FY 1961 the older warheads were replaced by W-31 Mod 0 warheads, with yields of 2 kt (Y1) or 30 kt (Y2). New to the Hercules system was the Target Ranging Radar, or TRR. ), and various related offices and communications centres for general operations. [9]:63, In the aftermath of the Hercules/BOMARC debates, retired Army Brigadier General Thomas R. Phillips wrote an article for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that BOMARC and SAGE had been the "most costly waste of funds in the history of the Defense Department. The Nike Hercules missiles were positioned underground in the silos. [38], Hercules could carry either a nuclear warhead or a conventional high-explosive warhead (T-45 fragmentation type). and 16Bs to 5th Gen 09/1963-09/1966, From: Hardy, Timothy A CIV (US) Handling | Each Nike battery consisted of two or three areas; IFC, LA and general. B3/71 (Turks welding covers), Or a It could be armed with either a high explosive or nuclear warhead.