intervention deaths laney

I believe it was season 12 he had that girlfriend named Crystal and they lived in new mexico. Ok thanks Bruce. Normally I wouldnt worry all that much about ecstasy as its a primarily a serotonergic drug and therefore hardly a drug of abuse in the sense that once youve used it, youve burned all your serotonin and you needs weeks to replete this serotonin: if you take it before your serotonin levels are back to normal, it will hardly work. So those people sometimes have to step aside and let us pick ourselves up. They save lives. But she walked out of the hospital and stopped drinking for months and instead would take my dads pain pills and her benzos. Im scared it wont work. This show really gets to me, because I know most of these stories, in reality, at least half, didnt have a happy ending and those emotions you see in the end once the person has completed rehab. Looks like she is doing well, great for her! If it becomes a problem at any point then I will discontinue that pain medication so I can be a very old woman one day. Kaila signed herself out of the eating disorder clinic and moved in w/her grandmother. I am just wondering how people are finding out updates on the people featured on the show when their last names are not mentioned on the show. Tragically, her brother had died from a brain aneurysm and Elann was raped. So I wouldnt add her to the list, but they did comment back to me publically before the channel went down on the public episode and didnt ask me for any privacy so I mean sharing it on this forum isnt the same as their apparent feelings towards the show or the crew providing an update which they also said had been blocked. I felt like i could relate to her so much. I wonder about the blond haired guy (then younger). Does anyone have an update on her? I just cant put it out of my mind. the disease of addiction is real! Does anyone know how Darick from TN is? I definitely think reading the Kristen thing, realizing there was no updates on here about her really had me worried that we were just touching the surface, as I could understand many families wanting their children not to become spectacles or remembered related to their addiction after their death. Because were invested in their stories and many of us can relate, or have been personally touched by addiction, also we want to see what happened to them, since we get limited follow ups. Kimberly Carr July 22, 2015 at 8:55 AM Does anyone know how is she doing? Thats great that your wife has helped you get the right help and all. Im also wondering about Gabe V. I saw his update and which stated he relapsed once but was attending meetings again with his dad. My Google search yielded nothing. Good find! He was into crack cocaine. Tune in to Celebrity Ghost Stories, Wednesdays at 10/9c, and stay up to date on all of A&E's premieres at she has two lovi. Its a sickness many people have. Such a contrast between the two and it really struck me how she had no family that cared about her whatsoever and how appreciative she was of her friends deep love for her compared to his heavily enabling to the point indebtedness for which he had zero appreciation. Just my 2 cents here. The episode ended by saying he did well in rehab for 99 days, until Amy visited him, then he relapsed. Addiction to most things is narcissistic to some degree. Trust me. Age: 20 Location: Oklahoma Addiction: Meth What's memorable: His lifetime of risk-taking, his total apathy about what he's doing to the people around him, his sad frustrated co-dependent mother, the dilapidated trailer he lives in with his addict father, the completely insane intervention.Dillon's story has an exceptionally tragic ending, which you can read . Christyd super pregnantdue any day! Ashley from Las Vegas (addicted to black tar and xanax) is doing great! I have self-harmed for so many years. Her daughter is beautiful and looks happy and thriving, that is all amazing news Karen, thank you! Is this page still being updated? Not Ericthat breaks my heart. Definitely his family. Its heart breaking, she was one of the brightest most intelligent souls ive seen on this show. Not a day goes by I dont think of him and how much I love him. It doesnt make life perfect, but sooo much closer to it. We completely understood why you said and did certain things as we have been through it quite a few times. TAYLOR DIED FROM NATURAL CAUSES WITH NO DRUGS IN HER SYSTEM. Please know your not alone in your battle, never feel like your life isnt worth living because it is! Anyways he looked ok. I also just watched the episode with Dana and am wondering if shes still alive. Each one of them was someones child, someones friend. My guess is that after the pills stopped working Brooke hopped up on a methadone plan. Im so sorry to hear this. Season 6, Episode 10. Based on her Facebook page it looks like that was the case. In my opinion you guys never came off in way other than a family who wanted a loved one to live longer. So terribly tragic. Lets take are life back starting now doing it one second at a time. Last one is from her sister right after the show was shot. I just saw Brookes episode again. Yes, Laney is a disaster; what's upsetting is seeing how far she's fallen and how little hope she has. It looks like Conrad Dubois cause of death has been confirmed by his family as an overdose. Way too many people lately. I live nearby and enjoyed reading about her success. And she looked so good and healthy. I suffered many years of every type of abuse from age 7 till about 37. How does pulling the six degrees of rehab separation with these people look to those who want to get help? Candys husband Mike passed away yesterday from kidney cancer. It was about a lady named Melanie. key biscayne triathlon 2022 I just watched her episode for the second time last week and was looking for an update. And it saddened me terribly that someone speculated she died from overdose. Its really very sad, you become a victim of your mind and those terrible behaviors arent a choice anymore. Not sure I could handle myself as well as you girls did. I saw the man Donald who was a boxer who broke up with his grlfriend because he relapsed. I dunno if its Adam because the internet says nothing about it and the people who told me didnt know his name. The most important and saddest updates first. I spend quality time with my husband, daughters, mother and grandchildren. Indeed. RIP , Unable to process the untimely deaths of her father and brother, Elann obliterates her emotions with vodka. :/ Because from a nice pic of her and her mother on her fb from 2years ago I thought she happily lives her life and has a good relationship with her family! My insurance cut after 6 weeks when I was in treatment so I will likely die of my eating disorder. His kids lost there mom yo drinking, and then lost their dad. Seeing someone as beautiful as Taylor struggling with addiction and shooting up really hits home for some families- Thank You for sharing ur story. sad. And marrying JD? What makes you think otherwise? I actually found the Mike and Jenny missing episode if anyone would want to watch it. That way when they relapse theyll feel that much worse, what could go wrong!? I wish she had been able to find a support group of her peers that would have been able to help her and be more understanding of what she is going through (not that you werent understanding but you dont experience pain everyday)I hope her story is able to be put out there on the dangers of trying to self-medicate. She was in Season 11. Most of the people I listed I didnt really find updates,just people were asking each other about the addict but there were many that no one knew anything about thats why I commented here! Taylor had a ton of infections in her mouth so her death could have been from those. Brooks episode was just on the night before last. Just thinking about his children makes me tear up. Does anyone know what happened to Sean? Im so sorry for your loss and I regret that I added to your pain in any way. It came late, but much better than never. Sorry I cant give you the ep. Lots of hugs and love from Pittsburgh PA. 100% gutted to see 3 members of the Heroin Triangle season passed away. That validates treatment to me! I have found myself watching old episodes of Interventions lately. So sad. Hopefully we will learn more details but the wound is still so fresh. Thanks. IAmA Cameraman for A&E's Intervention, I have worked on the show for over 6 years. He was only given a few years to live..i pray they havent lost both parents. Heartbreaking! Until addicts realize that we are damaging our brains..i.e. Her story was very touching. Just watched Jeffs episode. I was also wondering about Kaila. May Taylor rest in peace. The episode just aired tonight? Is Laney from intervention still alive? Youre right, its just because the others I didnt have posts about (because I wasnt covering Canada until recently and hadnt gone back and watched all the eps yet), but regardless I will see if I can gather the info and get them up there. I just finished watching it and I was so hopeful for those people. Cant wait to see whats in store and hopefully get more help for these addicts. Strangers out there do care about you and your addiction. Im SO sorry Colin! << Linda, the fentanyl addict. John from season 4 died in January. They have never dealt with the things Ive seen and dealt with. Man that shit was terribly sad. Hello, so I watched the new season premiere earlier tonight. I was so shocked by the ending and deeply saddened when I saw that Elann had committed suicide. Youre right about the pain being increased as your body becomes accustomed to the dosage of each one. . She was one of my Favorite addicts, if you can call it that. She was one episode where at the end I felt angry at her instead of sympathetic..sorry.,, Laney Jun 01, 2007 45m 2s tv-14 l CC Laney is an outgoing, intelligent 36-year-old woman who used to have the kind of life other people dream of a handsome, loving husband, plenty of money and the opportunity to travel the world. I think he was here to visit his kid. So very sad to hear about Sebastian!!!!!!! It was posted by her friend Holly the one who was at the intervention on facebook. I would rather have some sort of life and die young than be amiserable, crying mess of an invalid. If anything, its compassion. That sounds weird now that Im typing it out, but its the truth and what do I have to hide! You are a beautiful soul, and have made a difference in many peoples lives. I know they said Brooks got married and Michael relapsed, but curious to know how hes doing. She was terminally ill and seemingly just had a seizure. I see him in myself..I have chronic illness and am 22 but after I had to drop out of college because it got so bad I isolated myself. my stepson died of an overdose. Its usually because filming stops while the addict is still in rehab and is sober. She looked very sickly and frail. (In Brookes situation, that drug being opiates). Maybe a locked-down rehab, where they get detox and psychotherapy, but certainly not NEVER in prison where none of the underlying issues are being taken care of. Look for a rehab center there are many now. My heart goes out to the families. I didnt know her well, only met her at a few meetings. The drugs are not only killing us,they are destroying everything we love. Pretty sure if Kaila or Dana had died, Intervention would have told us at the end. There are people who can help. The epidemic in this rural area has taken many. Thank you all for the support over the years. I hope so, but you know how you can usually accurately guess who relapses, and who succeeds at the end of the show? that was a series on nat geo called drugged. I have to openly admit Im addicted, even though I dont take much. I have been sober over 6 years now but I know all it takes is one bad day and it can all come back. I have told my family that I would rather be dead than be a pain riddled invalid. Im stupid, stuff like that. I hope shes doing well. Dizzy, I love how you keep this site up to date and respectful. Anyone have an update? Its a different Kimberly, not the one on Intervention. so much love to all of them , So sad Amanda Thompson from the heroin Hub passed away December 17 2022 just a few weeks ago her story was so so sad .. she often said throughout the show she didnt deserve to live or be in rehab she had the twin sister that loved her deeply and a little boy whom she lost custody of to her dad and his wife in the end of her story line there was Amanda who had just been beaten and raped looking so so broken REST EASY AMANDA, So very sad to see Amanda has passed away. this really saddens me damn. Addiction is a horrible thing for the familiesyou did all you could. I am currently watching the episode with John the diabetic. Im hoping this helps him see what he has done and it helps him get on the right path. i am sitting here in utter shock at the added people to this thread. The opposite of addiction is not necessarily abstinence/recovery, its connection. I just finished watching the episode about Elann. I was just in treatment with Nick Nov-Dec 2015. Then he walked about of rehab and got a beer? that wasnt intervention. You want them all to live but sometimes the demons are just too much for them. Theres an Intervention Canada I just saw with someone named Elann. I really felt like there was some mandated reporting that should have happened during filming, but im not familiar with Canadian laws. She, Brooke will always be a part of you. Thank you for the information Stefan! Im so sadden to see this page. Sebastian passed away from a heart attack. They hurt everyone who loves us too. HOW DARE YOU MAKE AN UNCONFIRMED PRESUMPTION? I dont know how to explain it. Im so happy for Nicole and Andrew,I wasnt even sure if Nicole is even alive,some people commented stuff like she died,but im happy she didnt! Gabe /Vanessa disappeared long ago., Richards wife Sandra from Season 7 passed away this past July. To anyone who still has addictions & havent got clean please try before its to late. He LOVED to drink. May she RIP. It absolutely breaks my heart that now 3+ years later now Im sober and he lost his sobriety and is now dead. If . I so hoped she would pull through. Are you talking about Ryan the chef? I am friends with Chad on Facebook. I guess no one can be abed until they want to be saved we tried and tried clinic after clinic. Click on Andrew to view the Intervention Canada posts. So far seems to be the best place for treatment. Hubert was in the follow-up feature of one of the episodes in S16. Wow I just checked Facebook out, it makes her even more real, not just a TV person. I would love to talk to you. Hello, Dizzy: Thank you for maintaining the information about the people on Intervention. Antwahn is doing well as best I can tell but I can find nothing about Billy whose story so closely resembled my own (heroin). I pray for her every day. It happens. Someone linked to Jessicas mothers fb showing a picture of Jessica looking well and in rehab. I think that when her father left the family it truly damaged her, and I hope against hope that shell get free of her attachment to her scars, AND wish that more parents realized how painful their divorces are for their young children. I, too, have wondered about Billy from that Antwahn and Billy episode. I can understand how she was feeling, as my own father committed suicide when I was 15. S19E5 Jade. We have done and said very similar things. My father and mother was an alcoholic. I know, for me that was the hardest episode to watch out of all of the Interventions!! Heres what were going to do, lets get some folks that are at rock bottom, expose all their dirties secrets and put the under the pressure of having the whole world watch the hardest thing theyll ever do. Prayers your way, Melody, Brad I am so sorry. Im an alcoholic struggling with the recent loss off my mother. Does anyone know who Im talking about? Intervention also mean getting someone the right help and/or steering them into the right direction so they wont turn to alcohol or drugs anymore. I never agreed that any of you were being insensitive, you just didnt know how to help her. Another reason that makes me think that this meth is not crystal meth but methadone is that, statistically, the odds of overdosing on crystal meth are orders of magnitude lower than it is than overdosing on meth-methadone. Just curious. I thought her case was one of the saddest Id ever seen. Let your memories of your beautiful twin be the ones before addition took hold of her life. That guy seemed like he could get his life together. The only things I could find are the threads below. Ill never forget her childhood friend and crush who cared for her so deeply! ???????? And Cristy, the meth addict, is saying she is clen except alcohol, but I dont think she is. The world is less bright without you, I been watching old repeats of Intervention and just watched Corinne R. Stumborgs episode. Rip Ben Lowe. Im not one to post, just wanted to show my appreciation for your diligence. Team Owner. Ill be praying for your success in staying sober. Interestingly-the episodes where someone has passed, (Brooke, Brett, so far), are available on Amazon if they are purchased, yet not on their app. I feel awful, can only imagine what their families and loved ones must be feeling. A very nice troubled young man who didnt find what he enjoyed in life. Brittany, I cant imagine what its like to lose a sister, especially a twin. Some are fortunate enough to make it back in the rooms of recovery but some arent. I dont remember this one and I cant find it online .. Ziggi Tapp passed a week or so ago. I came on here looking for an update for her. battle of omdurman order of battle. Yes, still keeping this updated and as far as I know there have been no deaths since July. -Skyler had a son but has relapsed many times. Gone to soon. I too have grandchildren and am very close to having one of them graduate high school. His mom would bring him beer and cigs like 3 times a week. Its not a bad thing that theyre doing to us, at least not as long as they do it the way they do it in Intervention. Its sad some people take valuable rehab seats if theyre not ready, but getting help even against their will sometimes by family members and bottom lines can be important when someone has truly lost their way and mind. My prayers go out for them & their families. In Brittanys case, she died from an overdose almost immediately after finishing rehab. She had the teeth removed and the dentist did give her antibiotics for it. You do not know me, but please know I will keep you in my thoughts and I am rooting for you! According to his profile hes doing great! Intervention deaths - YouTube 0:00 / 2:37 Intervention deaths Jade Capo 547 subscribers Subscribe 1.3K 422K views 6 years ago Sad that they lost their battles to addiction. As of now, I am not an addict but I do take more than prescribed due to my body building up immunities to the pain medand it takes more to do the job. Lauren and Corrines episodes are still up. Looks like she might be doing better? Eyes that show they are not long for this world at the rate they are going. I was very sad, Megan Wood, from Season 10 episode 5, passed away in February of 2014. The recent post on Corrines profile sounds like her death was also related to her diabetes. Thank you so much. Heres a post in bluelight of a guy naming his methadone meth: Addiction is very hard core on a family. She lives with all 4 kids. She had such a sweet personality it pains me that she died a such a fearful and violent death while the Screamer had a family who bent over backwards to shield him from the consequences of his addiction that could have easily been the same type of death or involved maiming. I would like to thank Dizzy for keeping this going. I know she fought her addictions so hard. We both have a chronic illness and before even diagnosed, we were simply given painkillers. I have updated Taylors cause of death. Has anyone heard anything about Jessica the heroin addict with the three girls? And I will always miss her. Lauren sadly died about 2.5 years ago of lung cancer and is listed above. He had a loving wife and 5 children that looked like they all really loved him. Oh dear, I love Candy shes my favorite. My heart goes out to all of the people and families that have dealt and are dealing with the struggle. In case nobody has seen yet the New Season starts July 20th @10-9 Central. I hope hes ok. No one who is suffering through addiction is ONLY an addict.. He was one my favorites. I was very sad to hear the news about your mother. Omg Courtney I remember thinking, this girl needs serious help and she just slipped through the cracks, but I do wish best of condolences to her family, friends and loved ones. She has helped me get the right help so I dont turn to alcohol or drugs. Words can never express how devastated we are. If thats true I wonder why it wasnt said in the program. Ill tell you how it looks: It looks like them waiting twice as long to get help or never getting help because youve just confirmed their worst fear that nothing is sacred in a meeting. Best of luck to you Jessica, hang in there! As this show ages and more repeats are run in syndication I think a master list for viewers to reference and/or friends and family to update would be a helpful tool. Does anyone know if they are airing the same episodes on LMN and A and E? Oh no! Im childhood really sucked from my parents not paying attention when other men were around. This was about 4 years ago, I dont know how he is doing now. The Interventionist was even crying for her children. 'Intervention' Season 3, Episode 7: Laney Laney was severely addicted to alcohol and was hospitalized after attempting suicide. I get blank looks from my husbands side of the family if the topic is brought up. Brooke touched me because I too live with chronic pain. Does anyone know about Ashley from Las Vegas? Each one is tragedy, no matter the circumstances. That kind of continual pain is something I empathize with, and Im sad that Brookes struggle ended this way. Please pray he gets his shot. I like to think shes now finally at peace. has been shot last night in a stand-off with the police in South Pasadena. As one person here said in reference to Christopher Bradys suicide, it wasnt fair to the audience to drop the sad news on us at the end of the show. My heart went out to her. My prayers are with your family. Just finished watching laney, the alcoholic from Kansas with the cat "putty tatt" the ending text says that she left treatment after 2 days and took a limo back to Kansas. I cant even imagine. It just makes more sense that an opiate addict would upgrade their pill habit to methadone than to switch to a drug that as little pain killing effects, AFAIK. This comment was two years ago where are you now? Kimberly Carr is still alive. Jessica died In 2014. 2022 Jun 13 . From Bens brother, he passed away sometime last night. Also, if/when you get confirmation of her death from family/friends, would you mind asking if they know why her episode was removed in all capacities? It is worth going on the site and checking it out for information. I keep forgetting to tape the ones on A and E. I just finished with the Samantha C episode. Does anyone know what became of Michael of the Brooks , Ian and Michael episode? I pray she was clean. I always felt like they should have offered her treatment, like they did with the red headed eating disorder girls friend. Hi, I just finished watching Intervention Season 14, Episode 2, about Dana. Either correct it or I will have MY ATTORNEY FORCE THE CORRECTION. Rest in peace. I hope he turned things around. Yes, Brooke was in pain, she had been in and out of rehabs when we got to the point of the show. No judgmentjust a conversation starter. To do nothing is terrible, no you and your family came off as saying you would not stare death in the face. My prayers and deepest sympathy go,out to John Cs parents on his passing. Its heartbreaking, but I hope shes found peace now that she has succeeded in leaving us. Its crazy to watch and know that this person will not live a long life or much longer after their video was filmed. There is no mention of Brittanys death anywhere but I asked Ken on Facebook and he said he knew about it. Its very emotional, especially during the interventions. Paige, I pray that youre still celebrating sobriety & are doing well 5+ months later! Wow! I dont remember Kaila saying anything bad about her mother, actually I remember thinking she had a twisted perception of her parents making me feel she wasnt just anorexic but something more like you said. RIP Karissa. I just watche the same episode as well, my dvr cut it short too. Unfortunately, all the wealth and status in the world could not help Laney escape alcoholism. While she was a success story she took her own life 5 months after she completed treatment according to the episode. It just didnt seem like a healthy relationship. I will pray for you all (even though this is 3 years after your post) for continued strength and comfort. I feel so much empathy for all of them. COVID-19 a leading cause of death in US, topped only by heart disease and cancer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Long-Term Effects of COVID-19 Allie is a good friend of mine. Brittany please know that I as well as my family, did not think badly of your family. Just a quick post to pass along condolences to the Boulter family. So sad to see Brooke passed away. You can continue with your life and eventually hold memories that you find comforting. I also want to thank Dizzy for this site! Just wanted to leave an update: according to Katies Facebook page, shes been sober for 18 months! I dont know. Not yet, I guess he had a blood clot after some surgery. The guy who got half way and backed out, went back to his sugar mama and kept drinking?. sad. When the show aired it was clear to me that Brooke was an addict. I am so sorry for your loss Brittany. It is often self preservation. We lost so many people from the Heroin Hub season tragic. please let me know if you can which season and episode. josh from the episode heroin highway passed away from an overdose in June of 2013. Oh no! I had hoped the news of her death was wrong. What are your thoughts considering you have been through it? She seems to be doing well; looking well; and more importantly, feeling well. Shes doing really well, has a boyfriend, and works with animals. Once the person accepts or declines the gift of treatment its up to them, and the family bottom lines, to determine the direction their life. I prayed for years, first to be freed from my addiction, and then (I realized eventually that more specifically) I needed to pray to WANT to be freed from my addiction. Im happy that she is at peace finally even if it means shes no longer in physical form. Any answers on that?amanda. This show is such a struggle for me to watch because there are so many parallels in my life and the addicts lives. I recently saw Ben Lowes episode on VICE and he passed last Fall, as well as Brittany Howard (I sat for literally 10 minutes reading the last black screen of her overdose with tears running down my face). And she seems to be with Jason still. Please keep us updated if you find out more. Its watch both for the addicts and those families trying to help them, does anyone know what happened to the blond haired guy who lived under the bridge with his girlfriend and only cared about getting drunk and his dog, which his parents got from the kennel to bribe him to go to rehab? Can you move Betsy up a few slots so its chronologically in order of date of death? This is all I could find for the death of Sebastian so far. The show isnt responsible for keeping people alive. Sebastien from Sebastien & Marcel recently passed away as well; very sad episode. She was so beautiful, I was mesmerized by her in certain parts. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Volume 80(6), June 2016, doi: 10.1097/TA.0000000000001000 Conclusion: "The majority of law enforcement-related injuries are among white or black young men.Hispanic patients are more likely to be injured by a firearm than struck. U pray she continues this recovery.