ethical dilemmas in counseling vignettes

. An academically and socially struggling 11-year-old female student, Irina, comes to speak with the school counselor, Mrs. They developed a good therapeutic alliance. If you are like most of your colleagues, you have already faced at least one ethical dilemma that required a decision and possibly some action on your part. The physician explains that he has been medicating her for about four months with Prozac and Klonopin, once he became aware of her eating disordered behavior. (1983, c. 755, s. 2; 1993, c. 514, s. Just as he is about to hang up, Buddy says, Thanks. Dr. Crane currently works with an undergraduate student, Dan, on issues related to selfesteem and depression. Because of busy primary care practices, the PASS-2 can be completed at home, if the office does not have internet access for patient use. The ICU nurse asks you to offer an opinion regarding the patients capacity to accept or refuse intubation. Upon reflection, the therapist recalls that he had treated Mr. Palmer a number of years ago. Feeling guilty, the therapist calls you on the phone to discuss his feelings and any possible ethical concerns. Counsellors have a fundamental ethical responsibility to take every reasonable precaution to respect and to . 2 Abstract It is important that when Ethical Decisions need to be made, that counselors follow a model for making the decision that best benefits a client. The therapist does not dwell on the situation with the patient. The therapist who received this information does not know the other therapist well, but has provided some consultation for the therapist in the past. However, after the session, the therapist feels uneasy about what his patient revealed. ACE provider approval period: 3/21/2021-3/21/2024. The Center is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. The coursework "Case Vignette and the Ethical Dilemma" describes 9 cases of the vignette. He struggles with understanding concepts and his conversation becomes tangential during the next two sessions. She wants the therapist to phone the police immediately when the patient arrives and to have them arrest the cousin for unlawfully detaining the minor child. implementation, and f). Plenty engaging in a multiple relationship role in Mr. DiMenchas care? What are the ethical issues involved in this case? Dont Sexual and romantic relationships between counsellors and clients are deemed unethical by both APA and ACA standards. The therapy focused on depression and anxiety related to work-related issues, interpersonal limitations, and relationship difficulties. Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling-Theodore P. Remley, Jr. 2013-01-24 Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. After six sessions, Mr. DiMencha suffered a significant concussion while at work. ; & Hartshorne,T.S. A substance abuse counselor supports individuals to overpower those feelings and emotions that trigger drug and/or alcohol abuse. He confides that he would like to have an affair with her. Now believe me I know how important it is because I work in the field every day, but it made me want to make sure that Im doing the right things the way that they are supposed to be done. Ethical Dilemmas in Fertility Counseling. Dr. Ron Popeil, a local therapist, is upgrading his web site. Looking through his files, the therapist cannot find his file, so it must have been more than five or six years ago. The therapist remembers the former patient as a likeable person. ), Psikolojik danmanlk alannda mevcut ve gelien etik sorunlar [Current and developing ethical problems in psyhological counseling field], Sources of conflict between primary school principals and school counselors in Turkey, I wanna tell you a story: Exploring the application of vignettes in qualitative research with children and young people, International journal of Social Research Methodology, Using an ethical decision-making model to address ethical dilemmas in school counseling, An examination of the ethical dilemmas of school counsellors: Opinions and solution recommendations. Therapists have used the PASS-2 for psychological diagnoses and evaluations for a number of years. Informed consent. Directions: The following cases are intended to facilitate the development of your ethical analysis and resolution capacities. She stated that she wanted to include some education around sexual abuse and tell her story in a healthy, therapeutic manner. The purpose of these psychological evaluations is to identify individuals who have gross psychopathology, strong personality disorders, or other characteristics that would make them incapable of performing their religious duties adequately. Title: Ethical Vignette Abstract In this paper I will discuss the ethical vignette as it deals with confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that counselor's face. Total loading time: 0.362 Can the client contact Child Protective Services anonymously in this case? A female psychologist works with a male patient for about one year in a suburban area. The cost of the online administration is $25, to be paid by the patient. Covers ethical issues and evidence-based practice; Integrates therapists' reflections on their own social identity and how this may have influenced their work with their clients; Abstract. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best Dr. Smith decided to review the report. An examination by parenting professionals of the concept of overparenting, Intercultural model of ethical decision-making: Addressing worldview dilemmas in school counseling, Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation, Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook, Bir metafor almas: rencilerin rehberlik servisine ilikin alglar [A metaphor study: Students perceptions related to the guidance service], Journal of Social Sciences of Mu Alparslan University, Trkiyenin ruh sal yasas ile imtihan [Turkeys exam with mental health act], Special issue: Legal and ethical issues in school counseling, Reporting suspected child abuse: Conflicting roles for the counselor, Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling. Dr. Jordan calls you on the phone for an ethics consultation. The mother further reports that the patients cousin has been driving the patient around town. Dr. Bishop developed a strong relationship with this religious institution and they have been quite satisfied with his work. An ethical dilemma (ethical paradox or moral dilemma) is a problem in the decision-making Every person may encounter an ethical dilemma in almost every aspect of their life, including personal, social Refute the paradox (dilemma): The situation must be carefully analyzed. You arrive in the intensive care unit where the patients respiratory status is rapidly deteriorating. An important factor is that there is no cost to you, as the therapist. requirements? What should you do with this email solicitation? In general, an ethical dilemma arises when a social worker must choose between two equally valid, mutually exclusive choices of action, both of which result in some sort of harm to a person or persons. They developed a good therapeutic alliance. What suggestions or recommendations would you offer to the therapist? An ongoing theme in therapy revolves around his sexual orientation. Dan explained to Dr. Crane that this group would be student-led and meet on campus. White Plains, NY: Longman. If you were the psychologist, how would you feel about the situation? Through a series of thoughtfully analyzed case vignettes, readers will learn a template that can help them . Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy: 9781118487556: Sue, Derald Wing, Gallardo, Miguel E., Neville, . In hindsight, what triggered some possible difficulties in this situation? The therapist pulls the former patients chart. The therapist ignores the comment and finishes by setting their initial appointment. Ethical dilemmas. Nellie the niece of the judge had good points on a lot of the cases that where presented to them and Joseph the Lawyer had some good points as well, but it all comes down to what is the right decision for the good of all. This edition delves into the most recent federal court cases that pose the most ethical and legal matters in counseling today, such as a termination from employment by refusing to counsel a gay client . After the phone call, the therapist checks the waiting room and sees the patient there. What factors make this situation potentially difficult for you as a therapist? What are some actions that you, as the treating therapist, may have done differently? report, Ethical Vignette: Ethical Dilemma. Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring. His father has declined rapidly since the death of his wife and now requires total care. Ethical Dilemma The counsellor is conscious of the cultural differences and avoids talking too much and attempts to refer to the husband for most of the exchange. The therapist, her husband, and his ex-wife are on good terms. adapted and used used with consent from a state psychological association. When she asks about insurance, he indicates that he will pay in cash. Dr. Faye Miller receives a referral for a 35-year-old female, Betty Drapier, who is feeling depressed and experiencing marital problems. Dans vision is that the group would meet periodically to provide one another with support, to do problem solving, to share information and personal struggles, and perhaps to provide some psycho-educational work on campus. a specific field. The ex-wife moved back to the area about six months ago. According to the therapy patient, Lyla is not aware that one of her customers is a therapist who works in another part of the same facility where she is receiving substance abuse treatment. Dr. Goodfriend is unclear whether Buddy is serious or joking. The physician wants the therapist to treat his 17-year-old daughter, who suffers with what he describes to be an eating disorder and perhaps some Borderline Personality Disorder traits. In this paper I will discuss the ethical vignette as it deals with confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that counselors face. Dr. Popeil thinks these ideas are good. Dr. Crane applauded and appreciated the students energy and creativity, but indicated some concern about dual role with the student. The treating therapist is questioning what to do. What steps does the psychologist need to take? While you are there, a family member arrives with a copy of a notarized advance directive, created within the last year, which specifically outlines the patients wishes not to be placed on a ventilator or any artificial life support. During the course of their work, the patient discussed significant facts about his troubled past, numerous details about failed past relationships, and sexual fantasies. Box 9659 San Diego, CA 92169 FAX: (858) 272-5809 Phone: 1 800 281-5068 ETHICS: CASE STUDIES I First and foremost, the client, Dominique, has disclosed that he has been diagnosed with AIDS. The interview schedule was related to six vignettes about "ethical dilemmas." The vignettes were established by analyzing Turkish ethical codes. The ICU staff asks for your input. He complains loudly about his parents and his girlfriend. . Uncertain, she calls you for an ethics consultation. Ethical Vignette: Whose Records? Dr. Smith also wondered if it was appropriate to bill Mrs. Simpson for his time in reviewing the report. They have dinner as couples several times per year. He recalled that he was an older person with significant depression who eventually became better. What would you need from the attorney? This course introduces students to concepts regarding ethical and legal issues encountered by licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists, including ethical. Jacob-Timm,S. Supplemental understanding of the topic including revealing main issues described in the particular theme; Step 2: Reach out to the ACA. are The most frequent ethical dilemmas involved the limits of confidentiality, confusion about counsellors professional roles in school settings, uncooperative behaviours among stakeholders, and suspected child sexual abuse. Workers Compensation refuses to pay for the case management services of an independent social worker. These steps are: a). After reviewing the information presented, it is clear to the treating therapist that the other therapist breached confidentiality. While confidentiality has been preserved, the dynamics of each case are isomorphic to a real clinical situation faced by a practicing psychologist. The therapist and patient discussed the type of job she was entering, because knew she might experience rejection from doctors, nurses, and other office personnel. Irina's parents are conservative Catholics and the culture of the school community is . While most were supportive, all declined the invitation (likely because the campus is small and in a conservative area of the state). If you were Dr. Miller, what are your emotional reactions to this situation? However, upon his arrival in the emergency department, the medical record quotes the patient as saying, This wasnt supposed to have happened.. A therapist had an intake appointment with a new client. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. Dr. Tell allowed several moments to pass before asking the patient what was happening. Ethics and law for school psychologists . What are the ethical issues involved in this situation? They see her regularly for informal family events and do holidays together with their adult children and grandchildren. centres experience ethical dilemmas related to "teaching environments", "voluntarism" and "determination of service fee" respectively. Considering the setting, parental rights and minor's rights. In the process of conversation, Dr. Thomas realizes that Chuck is the son of her next-door neighbors. Dilemma6: Referral and Treatment Boundaries, Dilemma9: Therapist as Character Witness, Dilemma 10: Multiple Relationships Revealed, Dilemma 14: The Psychology of Advertising, Dilemma 15: To Evaluate or Not to Evaluate, Dilemma 18: Co-authorship with a Former Patient. This requires counsellors to put clients first, show respect and maintain integrity. Mr. DiMencha demonstrates a variety of cognitive deficits. A physician requests a psychological evaluation of a 46-year-old man who attempted suicide via overdose of prescription medications along with alcohol. Okul ruh sal hizmetlerinde yaanan sorunlar: Psikolojik danmanlarn grleri [Problems encountered on school mental health services: School psychological counselors opinions], Role stress among practicing school counselors, Ortaretimde grev yapan retmen ve okul yneticilerinin okul gvenliine ilikin alg ve beklentileri [Perceptions and expectations of teachers and school administrators working in secondary education regarding school security], It just doesnt feel right: A mixed methods study of help-seeking in Irish schools, Advances in School Mental Health Promotion, The need for ethical code of conduct among school guidance counsellors in Obio/Akpor local government area, International Journal of Innovative Legal & Political Studies, Okul psikolojik danmanlarnn kullandklar unvann mesleki kvan, psikolojik danman zyeterlii ve baz zniteliklerle yordanmas [Predicting the professional title of the school counselors with the professional pride and counselor self-efficacy], Psikolojik danmada etik ikilemler: Etik karar verme sreci [Ethical dilemmas in psychological counseling: Ethical decision making process], Eurasian Journal of Educational Research (EJER), An ethics challenge for school counselors, School counsellors attitudes and beliefs about child sexual abuse, Ethical dilemmas in college counseling centers, Okul psikolojik danma hizmetlerinde mesleki etik ihtiyalarn belirlenmesi [Determining the professions ethical requirements in school psychological counseling services], At risk of harm? The attorney-patient indicates that he earns about 2.5 times what the psychologist asked. . A survey of ethical dilemmas based on salient ethical issues in counseling supervision (i.e., dual . Dr. Jordan thanked her for the compliment and indicated that he needed to think about the request. A therapist receives a phone call from a well-known internist in her area. Registration number: 419361 Simultaneously, he strongly believes he made the right decision. Also during the course of the phone contact, Chuck expresses some homicidal rage toward his parents, particularly around financial issues and early childhood sexual abuse from his father. An ethical decision-making model provides you with a set of guidelines for making ethical decisions. . The client then asked if she could invite her boyfriend to the next session so that they could all discuss the information and the best way to handle the situation. He asked the attorney if anyone is contesting the will. During one session, the patient indicated that her boyfriend has lost interest in sex and became more involved with online pornography. However, she begins to feel uncomfortable as she feels like they are spending too much time together. P. (1996). This has caused both his physical and You will receive a high quality report that offers diagnostic possibilities, suicide potential, and treatment planning options for new patients. Numerous patients from family practice offices can be given the internet link and a security code to complete the PASS-2. PsychBuilder Inc. developed the first internet-based administration and scoring of the Personality Assessment Symptom Scale-2, the PASS-2. His mother had suffered from a combination of severe respiratory problems and Alzheimers. Mrs. Simpson read the report and admitted that she did not understand some of the psychological jargon used in the report and had difficulty understanding what the conclusions of the report were. The marital situation appears deteriorated and Mr. Drapier appears significantly depressed. If you were facing a difficult ethical dilemma, after identifying the problem and the potential issues involved, what would be, using Corey's model, one of the first places that you would look for assistance in the resolution of the dilemma As soon as he looked at the intake form, he realized that she is the ex-wife of his former client. He also divulged that his risk-taking behavior has increased as well, such as speeding. Open Document. While the treatment team does not share Dr. Solomons concern and has started to make discharge plans, they have not spent as much individual time with the patient as Dr. Solomon. Simultaneously, the religious institution is adamant about this requirement. Ethical issues in counseling generally fall on the therapist. frequent consultation requests by the trauma service. Dr. Tell contacts you with the above scenario. The client is feeling very helpless and vulnerable about this bind. There is nothing unusual that stands out about their therapeutic relationship. The client asked if she could just give Dr. Tell the information about the uncle so that she could report it to the authorities and leave her out of the situation. Making sure that no one is taking advantage of and everyone is protected by the law. Dr. cite it correctly. The test usually takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes to administer. How easy or how difficult would it be to take those steps? The danger of this approach would be to become too specific and to concentrate too closely to the issues of the case while forgetting the major socio-political First, these vignettes are meant to be teaching tools. This qualitative research aimed to define school counsellors' ethical dilemmas and their responses to such situations. School counsellors often encounter ethically challenging situations due to contradictory values and roles. Then, explain brieflyin one paragraphyour ethical rationale for your . Prior to providing extra-therapy support, Dr. This vignette poses several ethical dilemmas for counselors. Patient contact information will be part of the administration process. 3. The Center for Ethical Practice is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. ethical issues can be further complicated by the fact that legal, ethical, and school policy issues often conflict (Stone & Zirkel, 2010) and few resources exist to aid school counselors in making adequate ethical decisions (Remley & Herlihy, 2007). The attending psychiatrist concurs with the discharge plan and advised Dr. Solomon not to worry about it. In fact, the psychiatrist encouraged the psychologist to omit any reference to the patients comments about the neighbor in treatment summaries or clinical notes as hysterical nonsense..