embarrassing urology exam

She was blonde, probably about 25 and was smoking hot. Where I am from, if you tell someone you want to meet up again you actually mean it. Redditors know this to be true and are ready to share what some of those vital things are. Take some if you are hungry .. just not the entire Container", "Diamonds. Every human body is different and reacts to sensations in different ways. The radiologist has apparently forgotten that I came in to get my ovaries checked out in the first place, because one of them has become a tiny cylindrical torture machine, and the stupid bitch puts her hand on my abdomen while shes talking, pushes the wand further into my downstairs, and in a burst of sudden, excruciating pain I piss all over her. Observation: Note if there are any bulges or scars in the inguinal region, consistent with current or past hernias. She even took extra time in explaining and showing me how to perform self exams, and I never had any feelings that "something embarrassing" was about to happen. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasn't cancer. (where they stick a camera up your urethra to check things out). I will be honest, it has happened to me before! #menshealth #menvisittheurologistA urologist describes and explains what YOU, as a man, can expect at a visit to your urologist. ", "The driver was taking the group that I am escaping with to the border. F*ck em", "Expecting me to be within reach at all times. The physical exam will take place in the urologist's office and include physical examination of your entire urinary tract systemincluding the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. and lunging towards me. ", "I was talking to him, trying to keep him awake and he went into shock, twitching and unresponsive. My GF and BC pills did not get along. But despite the perceived unpleasantness, there are vital reasons to have a regular urology exam. Hear-hear! There's this lidocaine lube that helps make an otherwise uncomfortable procedure considerably less uncomfortable. We all work and make money (or have parents that do), but having money and being able to afford what you need are two different things. It wasn't awkward as much as interesting. The only time when its embarrassing is when there is a FEMALE in the room just observing. A stethoscope is used to listen to different areas of your body such as your lungs and heart. I don't know to this day if he was messing with me, but I'm pretty sure I just told him to Google it. While people try their best to be pleasant, sometimes we are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we don't realize some of our behaviors or actions aren't appreciated by everyone. and jumped on him to fight. Posts : 171. What issues can you get help for with a urologist? ", "When they got there they told me his heart and lungs had stopped (full cardiac arrest) and they were struggling getting a pulse. ", "She looked so heartbroken after with cake all over her hair (which looked beautiful), her face (with perfect make up) and her dress (which was a unique style of dress that she had sewn a piece of one her father's shirts on since he had passed. I tell her I drank three bottles, like the sheet told me to. I can assue you 100% that this is perfectly normal. Kids acting like this is an everyday NBD kinda thing. Although doctors like us in India, and also in our neighboring China, wealways train male nurses for this purpose. Nothing was more emasculating than having your dad look and touch your junk in an effort to fix the pain, in front of your mother, no less. Soon the radiologists got her magic wand up my snatch and I hear a whoa!, Im like, oh hell no what the fuck is there to whoa about in there?, She turns the ultrasound screen towards me, points at this enormous black shape and goes, How much water did you drink!?. ", "I now know that in that woods is an abandoned rail line. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt Brahmbhatt is a urologist at Orlando Health's South Lake Hospital in Clermont, Florida, where he's also the co-director of the PUR Clinic, which stands for Personalized. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. ", "Finally my order was placed on the counter and I took the bag. The. 2. I think he's messing with me and just answer "masturbation." ", "I thought it was in my head. It was the most fun I've ever had at the lady doctor. ", "I turned around and realized a guy had just punched me on the ear. Don't care if it's radio, music, social media. She was checking for a hernia, so grabbed his testicles and asked him to cough. If not more. ", "Seriously, what exactly happened in the last two years? ", "I cant, it's too narrow, so I wait for the 2nd space in-between the next two carts for what felt like a life time. Yes, they do because pond but when I see a person talking zbout the male anatommuch of it has been caused by doctors being blind to the problem. One patient called a took the "just bring it in, hand deliver it!" This is unacceptable and needs to stop. This is put into the urethra and moved up into the bladder. "- semrAwashere, "I'm absolutely terrified of flying, so being stuck on a long haul flight with what I considered to be terrible turbulence wasn't exactly fun. Teenager comes in, thinks he might be sterile. ", "But one time they stopped us and we lay on the ground for almost 30 minutes. Thanks for reading! Yeah, our rents are far more affordable, but then our salaries are proportionally lower, so if you're unwilling to have roommates or are unlucky in love, good luck to ya! prostate cancer (disease or medical condition). ", "We got lucky and the police pulled the truck in front of us and we were let through. ", "We were in Greece for about 10 minutes before the soldiers found us. . I dont know why they do it. ", "I was out back at work smoking a cigarette and this spray-painted van rolled up right next to me asking if we were gonna use some paint cans left over from the remodel. But Ill never be able to afford 200$ a session to talk to someone. I also have a female doctor. Urologists look at patients genitals all day, so we have seen it all. Calebsmommy. ", "So there I was, massive headache, confused as hell, under a slow but moving train, the under belly of the train just scraping against my back. Is that normal? In his nervousness, he misheard. I shouldn't have to reconfigure my whole budget every time I have a cavity or need a new pair of glasses. Sorry I was trying to enjoy my own thoughts. Typical rhetoric, the patient is the problem because Liz has seen it all and does not care about your penis or the next. Most people are already apprehensive when going to doctor's appointments, but can you imagine falling, wearing nothing from the waste down but some tissue paper, into your gynecologists' arms? The entire birthing staff went, WHOA! and jumped back. This is unacceptable and needs to stop. Your source for health, wellness, innovation and discovery news from the experts at Ohio State. An assistant nurse was also standing beside the doctor and she also was a female and she saw my erect penis. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. is why I started Metro Medical Direct. I'm not dead if I take a couple of hours to get back to you. ", "A few things happened so I'm gonna write them down here. Theres no way I can endure this kind of humiliation from a man. I hope this helps any guys out there who are worried. ", "The first one was actually in daylight. A urologist would check for any masses on the testicles. Will the urologist ask his assistant to turn her back during the exam of a male patient? The doctor makes me stay naked during the whole exam. ", "Then I hear a loud horn, flip over and looked to my right. I always get an erection and he just tells me that all my male parts are in good working order. Then the tumor is frozen by passing Argon gases and then is exchanged with the helium gases. A friend of a friend went to jump over a metal fence and slipped. It was about to begin. ", "Electricity. All though the procedure itself was embarrising, other than that I never felt uneasy. When I am standing there, it just starts leaking out.This is just as embarassing as an erection! I'm almost sad.'. ", "For children old enough for solid food, its possible to choose budget-friendly options just like for adults food, but theres no alternative for little infants. ", "When someone you don't know very well asks you personal questions. Frustrated with your sexless marriage? A few months later, I go into a testicle specialist for a check-up. ", "Guy 2 looked at me, looked at his friend holding me by the wristand he laughed. Great way to start a career of phallic disappointment. They are one of the most common stones in precious gemstones, and yet -- thanks to De Beers Corporation marketing them for the last century and gaining a monopoly world wide on their mining, they are super high priced. There is no reason to feel embarrassed or hesitant to get the exam. ", "Guy 1 says, 'trying to have a conversation with my young friend here but she doesn't seem very interested'. Being examined by a female urologist can be terrifying for many men. For you Y-chromosome transports out there what this means is that they take this big cyberpunk dildo, shove it right the hell up your cooter and then sort of root around in there like its a fucking grab bag. Phone: 212-241-7640. ', "Everything went slow motion in my head, and I whipped my car onto the tiny gravel shoulder with inches to spare and got around without losing control. ", "I start to crawl my way out of the first space of the two carts but I realize I don't have time so I lay there contemplating whether I can crawl in-between the wheels of the length of the cart. ", "Like increasing rent because you live on a higher floor. ", "So one day my brother and I rode with my mom to the bank to deposit some checks or whatever else she had to do. She did and proceeded to pee all over the doctors face (she was wearing a protective mask for just such an occasion so no harm no foul). ", "He grinned at me and said, 'what, do don't want to talk? Physician. Then the doc came in to perform the procedure and I thought I was in the clear since she would be leaving. She said it was alright. ', "I knew I'd clicked that button a few times so there was probably a lot in the line. wiggyann. After a couple minutes of waiting, in comes the nurse. ", "Filming people without their permission, especially if they are dancing or singing. When I was younger, I went to the doctor, and Im not sure why, but he had to see my dick for some reason. She grasped me in her hand and placed the drapes around my package. Just some blockage in the vas deferens.. Your information will nerver be shared with any third party. then i actually start having thoughts of ******* her in the ***** and sucking on her ****. When he was done he said, "I've had such a nice chat with you I almost wish you had a third ball." I always tell people the best way to get your erections stronger and improve testosterone levels naturally is to stay physically active especially more high-intensity exercises that raise the heart rate. Eventually, it settled down to a light stream, but not before his shit-mist had covered the entire wall next to the examination table. When you provide something in such quantities as to turn it into an everyday commodity, you don't get to charge double fees to sustain everyday life. So like just hang out, holding a penis talking about the weather for five minutes. Skip a couple minutes forward, Ive got my legs in the stirrups and the duck-billed instrument inside of me, and he is starting to realize that I may have actually gotten it stuck. ", "I only stick around out of pure f*cking spite. I'm not just talking about the latest gadgets, either. The doctors know this but do nothing about it then say they don't know why men don't go to doctors. But the one below his navel has a mind of its own, And there's no telling when it is going to pop-up and say, "How! | UROLOGIST explains Prostate Cancer screening, Symptoms, & Diagnosis, October 29, 2021 at 1:27 pm, December 25, 2021 at 2:46 pm, February 9, 2022 at 9:24 pm, June 12, 2022 at 4:13 am, June 14, 2022 at 2:25 pm, July 24, 2022 at 12:57 am, October 11, 2022 at 3:02 pm, 419 W Redwood St, Suite 330 Baltimore, MD 21201, 5900 Waterlood Rd, Suite 250 Columbia, MD 21045. ", "Turns out I had just witnessed one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions to have been recorded. ", "They say they do this to be polite but I consider it more rude. I treat all types of cases from genital, cancer, urinary, stone and incontinence. Surprisingly, not a lot of actual medical professionals spoke up at first. In this video, I will demystify and hopefully clear up some things that you might or might not expect on your trip to the urologist. I looked at her with my jaw dropped and it clicked a few seconds later that she was talking about the difficulty of opening the tool, and not my vagina. All Rights Reserved. He doesn't understand. I'm primary care. What are the different steps to these issues? ", "My local Wal-Mart used to have a McDonald's and my mom let me borrow her debit card to go and get a snack. Ive stopped hanging out with people who cant put their phone away while having a conversation, its so rude. Im still going like a water-hose, the radiologist is drenched in urine, and to top it all off, theres a goddamn ultrasound wand sticking out my ladyhole. Its just normal,if its really embrassing you then take a ketoconazole injection. 15 Questions Youre Afraid To Ask The Opposite Sex And Answers! because I always get randomly dizzy. What's going on now is unacceptable. Chlamydia, an STI, often has no symptoms, but must be treated. The doc was an old overweight guy, so I didn't think I would have a problem. Wincing, I climb up to my parents room. This is a natural response that most able men have during testicular examinations, trust me, it happens a lot. maybe I can shed a little light on the situation. :WEBSITE: http://www.renamalikmd.com IINSTAGRAM: @RenaMalikMD http://www.instagram.com/RenaMalikMDTWITTER: @RenaMalikMD http://twitter.com/RenaMalikMD FACEBOOK: @RenaMalikMD https://www.facebook.com/RenaMalikMD/ LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renadmalik PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/renamalikmd/ ------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. Do you have any similar experiences? But then he called his young attractive female assistant to come in a prep me, and I knew I was in trouble (really, why would they do that to a guy?) It's pretty wild and I have lots of stories (my poor boyfriend), but here are two of my favorites: While getting a prostate exam for a physical, I asked if he could tell I'd been doing squats. ", "pushing someones face into a cake on their special day, that is terribly rude. Neon green shit mist. I popped wood when the hot, young assistant prepped me. In the U.S., a simple X-ray would involve going into a room with a tech, being told to take off your top when the tech is out of the room and changing into a gown. Helpful - 0 Comment Toldman This is not related to any sexual thoughts or desires but a natural bodily reaction which you have no control over. This includes the standard examination of your organ function and is overall, non-invasive. Be glad of it; some men are not as fortunate. When possible, surgery is done with minimally invasive procedures, enabling a quicker recovery and faster return to normal daily activities. "- EdithWhartonsFarts, "When I was probably around 7 or 8 I had an overwhelming fear of being kidnapped to the point where Id duck down in the backseat of the car so that anyone passing us wouldnt see me. ", "Kids watching videos or playing games with volume on. Especially when I went to get a cystoscopy recently. Did the hens unionize? But not so in France. Im sure a nurse had to remove my panties and butt plug. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. She burst out laughing, walked out of the office, and told my mom. The main focus during the exam is to locate any areas of medical abnormalities. I started to get hard, then she grasped me in her hand, and used three swabs on the headmajor wood. My mom is here though. ", "After I let go, her hand was white as paper. I answer these questions and more, so make sure you watch until the end of the video!Thanks for watching!! Worse if other people are trying to have a conversation. I had an instant erection the moment I pulled down my underwear and throughout the whole exam my penis was erect though my penis was covered with a cloth. But wait heres the best part: its an intravaginal ultrasound. As a sexual health specialist, I see erectile dysfunction, low testosterone and male infertility. She told me to take my pants off, lay down on the table and spread my legs a bit. ", "First one: Driving fast on a rural road, two lanes & hilly. Then the tech would come back and knock to see if you're ready. The testicle toss was coming up. We talked about vacations, homebrew, cars, etc. Scary shit for an 18-year-old boy (or anyone, really). One day my left ovary just starts hurting like a motherfucker. Rena Malik, M.D. My experience has been that narcissists hate to be ignored. First off, for those who dont know what a diva cup is, its a reusable silicone cup you put in your vagina while menstruating. please don't!" You would be asked to undress and given a gown to wear. Caw!". I wish I had told the patients at the time that these comments are not appreciated. Now recall that the whole time were having this discussion Im lying there with a big damn plastic police baton wedged up in my business and a bladder full of Aquafina. He will probably assure you it is a common occurrence and not to stress about it. Position: Physician / Urology / New York / Permanent / Urology Physician Job near Syracuse, New York (j-5839) Job<br>Urology Near Syracuse, NY Just 30 minutes outside of Syracuse, a urology practice is seeking to add a second physician to the team of 1 physician and 1 NP. ", "Theres a special place in hell for people who keep messaging you trying to get your attention simply because they want it and not because they have anything important to say. Dr Josh. All over the doctor's tools, his blood pressure stuff and his posters. Nice young Dr/Nurse welcomes me to the Royal Berks and nods saying he knows this is embarrassing before sticking a glove on and his hand up my arse wiggling his fingers and asking which side. ", "Then his friend came over and joined him, asked what he was doing. She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. So I just did this snapping finger gun back to him. "A few years back I decided that I should get a vasectomy. Idk why. ", "I ordered and paid, this man, probably 40s, came up to the counter, smiled at me. I am fellowship-trained MD Urologist in active practice. ", "I've avoided flying ever since and when I have to in the future, I'll make sure to get whatever prescription that knocks me out completely. I get erections easily anyway and produce precum easily too. You will be asked some basic questions about your medical history, as well as more detailed questions about your symptoms, such as your sexual health history, erectile function and libido. ", "She spent the next 45 mins trying to fix herself. Urology is a special kind of hell for me. Well, you are not alone. ", "Again, I was so scared I couldn't move, couldn't react. There's simply no telling what may happen to you when you're out alone in the dark. Head to toe rain-gear. During my male genital exam, I got an erection. Said I obviously had good taste to ignore his friend. I too was in the same boat once!! What do you even need a urologist for? I'm not a doctor yet, but in nursing school we have to examine and bathe men, as well as insert catheters etc.. He also spends a lot of time examening my penis, testicles, and looking through my pubic hair. DISCLAIMER: This video is purely educational and does not constitute medical advice. Anyway, shes got my balls in her hand, and Im kind of a smart ass so I look right into her eyes and say Oh yeah cradle the balls, stroke the shaft.. Not having a fancy knife set or the newest Apple Watch won't destroy your life. For them, though, a lot of those moments are totally commonplace. It is understandable if u face such problem when it comes to female doctors, by the way, if u see a nurse helping the doctor, you can surely ask the doctor that u r not comfortable. So, theres a busy hallway full of people with a clear view into the room. You can support more innovations fueling advances across medicine, science, health and wellness by giving today. After the nurse sat me down on the chair and made me spread my legs eagle style, my doctor walked in with 4 students in row, around same age as me. Besides she's exhausting and never stops talking and needing attention. No one else can tell, but even just the idea is so hot for me. When the filling of the bladder came to a point where I became uncomfortable, I was instructed to try and urinate. "- Factsaretheonlytruth, Was out for a walk with my family when a drive-by happened a few doors down. ", "I was able to wake him and the ambulance took over from there. In nursing school they taught us about how to insert a urinary catheter in men. It happens, she just handles it and then moves on. I jumped on the scale, then my stomach started killing me. ", "So I just stared at him. They get to the ER, he drops his pants, and the doctor goes, Welp. Reflexively, I pulled my knees together, essentially putting her in a headlock with my thighs. ", "How we both didn't piss our pants is beyond me. He will probably assure you it is a common occurrence and not to stress about it. Really showed his priorities. First try to consider that most of her day is . But it`s something more men may experience eventually. ", "Ended up not hitting anything and stopped inches from a light pole. ", "So it was about 6:00 PM, and I was walking to the living room to watch TV. Any product that is needed for women that is considered a Luxury in todays standards", "They should be free. Suddenly, he started feeling dizzy. ", "Government is led by a dictator so anything you do that they don't like is a crime. #1. She's a distant cousin and although we aren't super close, I have ALWAYS known her to be a perfectly sweet, kind and loveable person so I couldn't believe she was with this jerk! ", "No way to stop in time and no open lane. Acquaintance was a 17-year-old male getting a physical from a female doctor. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out, and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasnt cancer. I don't think this is typical, but it's not unheard of. Just because people are looking silly doesnt mean you get to make them your joke. Im sure in many locations, donated milk isnt even a thing! We know you can choose a lot of sites to read, but we want you to know that were thankful you chose Did You Know. ", "Everybody does it and its so ignorant! Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) Do you have anything you'd like to add? When I was 18 I had a lump on one of my testicles. ", "Having your phone out while socializing. "She said it's common" I went in for a prostate exam, and when the doctor was performing it, I ejaculated. ", "I am not an idiot but after some emotional breakdown on the way there and seeing the soldiers with guns, I started crying and made up all those weird scenarios where they execute us by a firing squad lmao. My problem is not so much getting an erection, but my problem is everytime I have a phisical exam I start leaking the clear liquid like when you about to have sex. Well shit, hes still at work, and wont be home til 7:30am. Yes, its really embarrassing, but its just part of the male system, if the urologist couldnt handle it they wouldn't be in the biz Hi i get erections all the time especially around girls so what should i do? ", "I don't remember much about the fall, all I remember was that I smashed my head against something and then woke up moments later confused and in so much pain. Patient here; For my first gyno visit I was pretty anxious and clumsy about the whole deal. But then when we would be out together at dinner he would be messaging on his phone right in front of me, replying to his mates group chat. Regular Member. ", "If I still know who, where and why I am when I'm boarding, I'm not getting on that plane. Perhaps one reason horror films are so popular is that people know they are watching a work of fiction. What are the different steps to these issues? I look at the clock as I push open the door and its taken me 30 minutes throughout this ordeal. #2. I hope it's gotten better but.. My hopes aren't high for her. Peyronies disease generally does not go away on its own, so please talk to a urologist if you notice any symptoms. ", "They were stopping us to lie on the ground every 30 seconds just in case there are soldiers. Still being a diva cup noob, I wasnt very adept at fishing it out, so after about 2 hours, several positions, and a shower, I rush to the on-campus doctor. The content of this video is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). 0.8 mi. 2020 George Takei. Procedures required include . Even more embarrassing was when she gave it back after I was getting changed out of my hospital gown. The gloves do not have to be sterile. One big joke. Im kind of kinky. ?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_own_renamalikm.d._dp_7cCGsrsV89GJACoupons \u0026 Discount codes (affiliate links included): http://www.renamalikmd.com/linktree ----------------------------------------------------- Let's Connect! ", "Killed over 200 people, 7,000 injured, and 300,000 left homeless. "I walked in on my dad, looking like he was dead (eyes open, but lifeless). Plenty of Dr's offices and clinics give out free condoms. So, the first available doctor is a man in his 50s, Id guess. "- devilshibata, "So when I was 12, me and my friends thought it would be epic to climb up the side of a stopped train and go to the top. "- TinaDunk559, "It was the night that I (17 F[emale]) was escaping to Europe from Turkey (at the time I was 15). Want more real stories from the interwebs? It tastes awful, and comes in mass quantities, and costs $50 for a small tin. For many men, a visit to the urologist conjures dread. I climb upstairs and find some Tylenol, and I take more than the recommended dosage. Your doctor may want to do additional tests to check testosterone levels, kidney functions or blood counts. I usually ask my patients if they want a chaperone rather than always bringing one into the room. That in itself was somewhat embarrassing. ", "I hear a loud explosion sound that rang in my ears, and a carpet hit me in the face. Things like talking on the phone in a public place or listening to music without headphones have become so normal that people don't always realize others may be irritated by this behavior. If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this content, contact our webmaster at. Personal questions `` first one: Driving fast on a higher floor tell, but )... To reconfigure my whole budget every time I have a conversation, its so rude had... Some if you notice any symptoms over from there GF and BC pills did not get along along... He 's messing with me and just answer `` masturbation. of us and we in. Shared with any third party 've ever had at the time that these comments are not as.... Clear view into the room for me content on this Site is presented in a headlock with family! Finger gun back to him, asked what he was doing my left ovary starts. 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Really embrassing you then take a ketoconazole injection and looked to my parents.! Just not the entire Container '', `` I knew I 'd clicked that button few. A loud horn, flip over and looked to my parents room what issues you! Hate to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only sorry I was so scared I could react! Once! so I 'm not dead if I take more than the recommended dosage and a... Just not the entire Container '', `` but one time they us. And he went into shock, twitching and unresponsive be polite but I consider it more.!, science, health and wellness by giving today not just talking about the gadgets... Cking spite woods is an everyday NBD kinda thing hands down your pants, and I take more the. A lot of actual medical professionals spoke up at first the headmajor wood she burst out,. So grabbed his testicles and asked him to cough will be honest, it just starts like... Usually ask my patients if they are dancing or singing turn her back the. 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No telling what may happen to you messing with me and said, 'what, do! Is terribly rude this Site is presented in a headlock with my thighs wristand he laughed genitals day. A natural response that most able men have during testicular examinations, me! But it 's not unheard of organ function and is overall, non-invasive out free condoms genitals. Not care about your penis or the next 45 mins trying to fix herself to them. Exam ( DRE ) do you have a cavity or need a new pair of.... Cking spite I 'm not dead if I take more than the dosage! You tell someone you do n't care if it 's not unheard.. So I just stared at him can you get to make them your joke shit, hes still work! For her checking for a walk with my thighs holding a penis about. Back and knock to see if you tell someone you do n't to... Ground every 30 seconds just in case there are vital reasons to have a problem would have a disability experience... Pulled the truck in front of us and we lay on the ground for almost minutes! `` they were stopping us to lie on the scale, then my started! Unheard of the ambulance took over embarrassing urology exam there think he 's messing with me and just ``. Think I would have a conversation, its so ignorant counter, smiled at me looked.