call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip

The Keepermay introduce other skills depending on the setting and pe-riod; for example, if one were to set a game in the far futureon an alien planet then various new skills might be devised.Skill SpecializationsSome broad skills are broken into specializations. Discuss with the Keeper how the investigator is awareof the Cthulhu Mythosthrough reading books or experi-enceand write this into the investigators background.If the knowledge has been gained through reading books,decide whether the investigator is a believer or not (seeBecoming a believer, page @@). Credit Rating: 2070 Clinical psychologists may work with patients, using a range of therapeutic tools. Dodge, First Aid, Natural World, Medicine, Science (Pharmacy), (Zoology).Clerk/ExecutiveOccupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Credit Rating: 920Suggested Contacts: Other office workers.Skills: Accounting, Language, Law, Library Use or Com- puter Use, Listen, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any two other skills as personal or era specialties. These requirements, however, are Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2but a relatively recent development. service revolver, your old huntingRoll 1D10 or pick one of the following. Credit Rating: 2050Pilot Suggested Contacts: Law enforcement, street level Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 crime, coroners office, judiciary, organized crime. Key : Occupations are listed alphabetically. Some workthrough an initial period of basic training. Morans Air Rifle fire 1 shot per round. In many cases, starting inves- 58 tigators dont really have anything exceptional or worth writing down in the way of equip- mentthats fine as youll soon be uncovering all manner of strange and remarkable items during the game. Possibly family- Suggested Contacts: Generally only the person the spyrun, with relations also working on the premises, however reports to, possibly other connections developednormally few, if any, employees. A few are trained for non-sistant to the typing pool. 1. 9. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + Credit Rating: 930 APP x 2 Suggested Contacts: News industry, politicians, street- Credit Rating: 5-50 level crime or law enforcement. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Credit Rating: 9-30 Credit Rating: 05 Suggested Contacts: Street scene, possibly a notable customer now and then. Partner (e.g. Figure Hit Points (CON+SIZ divided by 10) and Luck (3D6 x 5). Stunt performers will usually be trained Repair, Fighting, First Aid, Jump, Swim, plus onein fighting techniques and stage combat. with most photographers working freelance, for an adver- tising firm, or in a portrait studio, taking pictures of fami-Parapsychologist lies. Think ofa name for these places. Diligence and an attention to detail means that With the introduction of talkies in the latter part of the most accountants can make good researchers, 1920s, many stars of the silent films era cannot cope with the being able to support investigations through transition to sound. generous tipper, always helps out a 3. Ladies man/seductress (e.g. Itsnot essential to have an entry for each category, but the more makes it personal and are able to define, the more your investigator comes tolife. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2070 Credit Rating: 935 Suggested Contacts: Military, federal government. Stealth. Principally Skills: Dodge, Fighting or Firearms, First Aid or Natural a middleman between thieves and buyers, the fence either World, Jump, Ride, Survival (any), Throw, Track. Additionally, you'll find extensive information on weapons of the 1920s, and tables with . The offices of detective and prosecutor are separate, so that the evidence may be weighed independently beforeAn aviator is a stunt pilot, working at carnivals or offering trial.daring leisure rides for those willing to pay. 4. A belief in fate (e.g. While technically unskilled, the skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade),average laborer is often an expert in the use of power tools, Psychology, any two other skills.lifting gear and other equipment to be found on site. Skills: Charm, History, Intimidate, Fast Talk, Listen, Own Language, Persuade, Psychology. 6. In moderntenance of computer systems and times some ranches have opened their gates to holidaymakers wishing to experience life as a cowboy. a country estate, a rented meal from almost nothing, refined palate). drop of a hat. tigator sheet. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. lazy, drunk, unloving). Where relevant,causing damage; the animal escapes. suave, charming voice, 9. Some hunters may work for Charm, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology,the black market, capturing live exotic species for private Track, Stealth.collectors or trading in illegal or morally objectionableanimal products like skins, ivory and the likealthough Boxer/Wrestlerin the 1920s such activities were more common and werepermissible under most countries laws. tigator could originate from anywhere in the world. Usually the term ison the streets. (e.g. Note that the entriesfor the other categories are filled in during play. Speak to the Keeper if you are unsure. country walks on your estate, fishing). All television and film work will be supervised by a evident. humanity. For some its a career or their business, for of patients. Independent (Chemistry).scholars sometimes help support themselves by teachingpart-time courses. description. This a part of your asset value.will have an impact if the investigator is robbed or loses their gear. S Spells (only if a believer) with the KeepersS Add 60 bonus skill points divided amongst any of the permissionthe Keeper will determine what spell(s) following skills: Climb, Drive Auto, Fighting (any), the investigator has access to. personal specialty. Have you are complying with the written or concept.they been to college or university? Your idol or hero. Double this each range, written as short range/medium range/long range.round until extinguished (providing target is flammable). in his or her own right and a small number do enjoy the media attention for political or financial gain. If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or she If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shekeeps digging deeper, ever deeperthe truth is down there creates a transgressive work that shocks and causes violentsomewhere. Ability with this skill may enable the making The skill also denotes a familiarity with the art world, andor repair of an itemsomething typically the artist may be able to determine a particular artistsrequiring equipment and time, to be de-termined by the Keeper, if necessary. American flying aces of the World War still in the publiclimelight include: Eddie Rickenbacker, presently employed Police Detectiveby Chrysler Corporation; Tommy Hitchcock, Jr., now a staron the polo fields; and Reed Landis, son of Baseball Com- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2)missioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis. @@) and note down the occupationCircle the results in the boxes in this section. The quickstart rules are what you want, but while it's free, grab the Delta Green Agent book. tor was a part of them. What a cupboard written in an unknown language, a was their flaw? His Hit pointsstatistics in the previous edition read as follows: In 7th edition, hit points are derived by adding CON + SIZSTR 4 DEX 12 INT 17 CON 14 and dividing by 10, rounding down. Accommodation: a plush residence or estate Your investigators Travel: public transport of the cheapest sort. Sometimes self-absorbed other media stars.and driven with a particular vision, sometimes blessed witha great talent that is able to inspire passion and understand- Skills: Climb, Jump, Fighting (Brawl), Ride, one in-ing. Thus, many in this The police detective may be a manager who coordinatesperiod work at carnivals, stunting, selling rides or offering staff in some important investigation, but rarely has thelocal air-taxi services in and out of small airports. Some of thesechanges are discussed here with the intention of providing The characteristics feed in to skill points to a limitedthe reader with an understanding of the thinking behind degree. Some schemesare elaborate, involving teams of scammen and rented buildings; others are 75investigator's handbookBootlegger/Thug Forger/CounterfeiterOccupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Credit Rating: 530 Credit Rating: 2060Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, street-level law Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, businesspeople. Language: English Format: PDF Pages: 283 File Size: 26.1 MB Total Download: 4,000,236. Studying tively they regard the item as their personal salvation andthe culture for a month or more, the anthropologist begins refuse to give it up to anyone understand how the culture functions and, in combina-tion with Psychology, may predict the actions and beliefs of Archaeology (01%)those being studied. Where points were spent in a skill that no longer exists, these points should be recorded in a Skill Pool, for later distribution. The standard list of possessions iswhere it is being kept. Harvey must find his way through the smoke and flames, and the Keeper 57investigator's handbookAmerica or Canada has a good chance of English as his or Pictureher own language, an investigator born in Quebec mightlearn French at infancy, while one born in Arizona might A space exists on the investigator sheet for you to draw ahave Spanish or Navajo, and one born in San Francisco picture of your investigator. you lived throughyou. Check all flipbooks from startobb. take many days or months to complete, the artist may quickly sketch accurate impressions, objects and people. phasize its personal nature. 5. in hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, climbing and camping. Second homes in thegins at zero. Latter-Day Saints, who specialize in two-year proselytizingUsually they have their own unionsalmost guildsthat missions to urban areas, including parts of the U.S. andbargain with contractors and corporate employers. Many clergy (not just Catholic Priests) bear witness toconfessions and, though they are not at liberty to divulge Hackersuch secrets, they are free to act upon them. in hospitals, nursing homes or with General Practitioners. 8. 7. Before long they controlled whole Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonalsections of cities and warred with one another in the streets. of like, use despise instead of dislike. Sample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: a vastSample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: the site is amount of time and money is wasted in creating a failedspoiled, with finds ruined through incompetence, vandal- attempt; the audience or customer is highly offended orism or theft; some higher authority seizes the site or the physically injured by some aspect of your work; the criticsfinds from your control; publicity leads to the finds being slate your work and no one desires your services anystolen. Library Use, Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Ma- chine, Science (Engineering and Physics), any one The 1920s are the first decade where the urban popula- other skill as personal or era specialty. This person would own anliving standards a person Credit Rating 1-9: Poor expensive car or equivalent.can afford, as well in- Able to afford the bare minimum of a roof over Credit Rating 90+: Richdicating the characters their head and at least one meager meal eachrelative status in society day. Credit Rating: 940 Commercial sailors may work aboard a fishing vessel, Suggested Contacts: Businesses within the same sector,charter boat or haulage tankers, carrying oil or commodi- favored customers.ties. 2 to 64 2 2 205 to 284* +2D6 3 65 to 84 1 1 285 to 364 +3D6 4The number for unarmed combat 85 to 124 0 0is your investigators Fighting +1D4 1 365 to 444 +4D6 5(Brawl) skill. The Investigator Handbook is an essential player's aid for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game.Written for those who will be playing the roles of investigators, the Investigator Handbook contains expanded rules for creating players characters, a wealth of over 100 occupations and skill descriptions, as well as guidance on getting the most from the game. The same cultist would have CON 12 +STR 20 DEX 60 INT 85 CON 70 SIZ 13, averaged to 12.5 and rounded up to 13 hit points.APP 85 POW 45 SIZ 80 EDU 80 Thus, some enemies and non-player characters may have 1 hit point less in 7th edition than in previous edi- tions. The private sector employs thousands of Skills: Climb, First Aid, History, Mechanical Repair, researchers, especially chemists, pharmacists and engineers. Sibling (e.g. Download PDF Join Telegram Thousands of similar and other books are available on Telegram Channel. A lot will depend on Archeologists may discover reputation. Allot these points to any skills the result:to round out the investigator (notforgetting fighting and firearms STR+SIZ DB Build STR+SIZ DB Buildskills, if appropriate). club meetings.Hooker Reporters carry press passes, but these are of little value other than to identify an individual as employed by theirDepending on circumstance, breeding and background, a respective employer (usually a newspaper). As such, psychiatrists sought to establish their medical credentials, and differing perspec- Credit Rating: 930 tives of diagnosing and treating mental disorders began to be introduced. Child (son or daughter).10. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Foreign Correspondent Credit Rating: 2040 Foreign correspondents are the elite of news reporters. Suggested Contacts: Customers, organized crime. This school was rootedin the concept of culture as a mentalphenomenon. Other editors specialize in fashion, sports or some other area. Others are employed in the newspaper, media and film industries.Parapsychologists do not pretend to enjoy extraordinarypowers, but instead spend their efforts attempting to The elite of photographers are drawn from the worlds ofobserve, record and study such instances. Judges are either appointed Suggested Contacts: Forestry workers, wilderness guidesor elected, sometimes for a term of specified length, other and conservationists.times for life. once provided a regular living wage. After lengthy negotiations with the Tibetans, climbers were finally been granted access to the Those looking for a lifes career in the military may try to highest peaks of the Himalayas. child, a lover). Perhaps he or she was one of the few who escaped with their lives from the sinking Titanic, served The categories of Injuries & Scars, Phobias & Manias, Ar- as a police officer in New York City on September 11, 2001,cane Tomes, Spells & Artifacts, and Encounters with Strange or stood on the front lines of the Boer War? greedy, enterprising, ruthless). The duties of the butler will vary to according to the requirements of his employer. Before writing these resuts onto the sheet, decide Give your investigator a name andthe age of the investigator: write in their age, sex, occupation, current residence and where they grew-up.AGE MODIFIERS The blank box provides a space for your15-19 Deduct 5 points from STR or SIZ, and also from investigators portrait (if you are using a EDU. The decadesaw the professionalization of academicanthropology in the U.S. and the growthof psychological anthropologyanAmerican contribution to anthropo-logical theory. This is their key connection: the one thing above all else that gives meaning 3. police, city government, politicians, judges, unions, 81investigator's handbookhave to be rich to be a gentleman, as often family status is Skills: Art/Craft (any), two interpersonal skills (Charm,more important than family wealth in terms of the highest Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Dodge, Psychol-society. be aware of local plan- ning laws, health and safety regulation and general public safety. States send a sion (for modern-day).number of Representatives to Congress based upon popu-lation count, and the House seats over 400 members, each Skills: Art/Craft (e.g. film star, politician, musician). are similar to soldiers in background, training and skills. Access to medical records as well as many it's a means to an end. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2080 Credit Rating: 5-30 Suggested Contacts: Old college connections, Masons Suggested Contacts: Other labor leaders and activists, or other fraternal groups, local and federal govern- political friends, possibly organized crime. a letter you found in 9. drugs and other medical supplies. However, certain life S Deduct 1D10 from SAN.experiences may also benefit or hinder investigators. 99investigator's handbookPushing examples: taking more time to study the site or the object, piece or composition from scratch; conductingitem; conducting further research; consulting another further research; checking with another These rules are intended to allow materials from efit of using one-fifth of the characteristic did not seemall previous editions of Call of Cthulhu to be made compat- significant enough to justify the added complication.ible with 7th edition using minimal effort. 68chapter 4: occupationsDoctor of Medicine [Lovecraftian] see Psychiatrist Police Detective/Officer [Lovecraftian]Drifter Private InvestigatorDriver Professor [Lovecraftian]Editor ProspectorElected Official PsychiatristEngineer Psychologist/PsychoanalystEntertainer ReporterExplorer [Classic] ResearcherFarmer SailorFederal Agent SalespersonFence see Criminal ScientistFirefighter SecretaryFlapper [Classic] ShopkeeperForeign Correspondent Smuggler see CriminalForensic Surgeon Soldier/MarineForger/Counterfeiter see Criminal SpyGambler Street Punk see CriminalGangster Student/InternGangsters Moll [Classic] StuntmanGentleman Taxi Driver see DriverHacker see Computer Programmer Thug see CriminalHobo Tribe MemberHooker UndertakerHospital Orderly Union ActivistJournalist [Lovecraftian] Valet see ButlerJudge Waitress, CocktailLaboratory Assistant White-collar WorkerLaborer ZealotLawyer ZookeeperLibrarian [Lovecraftian]Lumberjack see LaborerMechanicMilitary OfficerMiner see LaborerMissionaryMountain ClimberMuseum CuratorMusicianNurseOccultist [Lovecraftian]OutdoorsmanParapsychologistPharmacistPhotographerPhotojournalist see PhotographerPilot also see Aviator 69investigator's handbookAccountant travel by train, presenting new plays as well as classics by Shakespeare and others. Acting, Singer, Comedian, etc. While benefitting from their experience, they also bear its scars. In game play this means that the player must be presented with the oppor- Birthplace tunity to make at least one dice roll to save the connection. S Adjust age according to period of war and starting 9. 78chapter 4: occupationsElected Official EntertainerPopularly elected officials enjoy prestige commensurate This occupation might include clown, singer, dancer, come-with their position. In the U.S., charter boats work both coasts, as well as onthe Great Lakes, catering to sport fisherman and vacation- Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fasters. scene. For example, expenses so long as an investigators spendingcriminal could be used Accommodation: an average home or apart- falls within the bounds of his or her living stan-as a profession for a ment, either rented or privately owned. Items that fit the profile of your investigators living standard do not need to be paid foryou simply own those. The target should roll one-fifth or less of their DEX on 1D100 to avoid being temporarily blinded. Look to this line of work? Skills: Accounting, Law, Library Use, Lis- Skills: Art/Craft (Acting), Disguise, Fighting, History, ten, Persuade, Spot Hidden, any two other two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- date or Persuade), Psychology, any one other skill as skills as personal or era specialties (e.g. The southern Bible Belt supports many traveling tent shows Credit Rating: 2040 featuring song, dance, and gospel revival. evolution, cryogenics, space exploration). Suggested Contacts: Street Skills: Art/Craft (Art or Photography), one interperson- scene, police, possibly al skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), organized crime, per- History, Library Use, Own Language, Psychology, sonal clientele. The arm-waving histrionics of silent ac- the careful analysis of personal and business tors give way to more subtle characterizations. tsmaamoaknsniaakeldldcscsLhheefE,aalioeelatnricevennitcrecratd,tairthchlitcciHheosaatemantculaarrdrbseRvsbkieseenieu.nyblpeeleodatc.ttiaihrrsMtTitmccerheaoomcuemllh,slp.tapsitotbnasOeerimtcenshatdueoelcticRoKsreroeeseblbpesplofpoaautteiihihlsrrrThe latitude for what could justify a pushed roll is wide, safIiwauiodtfgrnncihascchttdlieeoeynenNaeErs1dgbtolwmo0eailotncle%ieaEttnrghikrlentseibihstccnksottaetkMhgoitrllihieilolRmcemlinlawscenaphlepaotsoatakbudiRernmeioilrtredcita.ucpehetnHabwxalrtclMeaioiaoersmRlrn,elceoseechapdufhphonaluciuaueasndcc.isnseercliHcsicydencsohaagiaotmnvaiorflseandvpsR1euc1asr%eteyci0orhpncilh%e.aenolgnsasiflg,.sresand should be best determined by actions, motivations andevents within the game. Some entries group Book Dealerrelated occupations, for example Bank Robber, Bootlegger, Bootlegger see CriminalBurglar, Conman, Forger/Counterfeiter and Assassin are all Bounty Hunter Boxer/Wrestlerlisted under the Criminal occupation. ing beauty pageants. Alternatively the chain can break and connect with the users body (2D8 damage). Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Fighting (Brawl), Firearms, First Aid, one in- Credit Rating: 30-60 terpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology, Spot Hidden and one Suggested Contacts: Old military contacts, other pilots, of the following as a personal specialty: Drive Auto- airfield mechanics, businessmen. Suggested Contacts: Union officials, political organiza- Skills: History, Intimidate, Law, Library Use, Listen, tions. Sort out money if and when you need it. Underlings in reality this could easily be the other way around, with theusually have specific areas of responsibility, such as oversee- moll working her boyfriend for all she can before skedad-ing illicit shipments, collecting protection money and so on. 88chapter 4: occupations Field researchers are usually highly experienced, inde- Sailor, Commercialpendent and resourceful, usually employed by private inter-ests or undertaking academic research for a university. Althoughtimes, the librarian is also a keeper of electronic media and technically at the bottom of the officers list of ranks, thedatabases. Ride or Fighting).about anything! feminism, gay rights, union power). First, as a set of pithy statements that serve as a guide to Using Randomroleplaying, helping to define your investigator and remind Tables for Inspirationyou how he or she relates to the world. View flipping ebook version of Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) published by startobb on 2020-12-05. . theories were still relatively new and aimed at attempting to explain phenomena that until recently have been considered Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) to be biological in nature. ence is probably limited to stealing cars, shoplifting, mug- ging and burglary.Criminal AssassinCriminals come in all shapes, sizes and shades of grey. dollar construction proj- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ect. Credit Rating: 1060 Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Drive Auto, two interper- Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness, sonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Per- medical doctors and occasionally detectives in law suade), History, Library Use, Navigate. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- Credit Rating: 2050 date or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties. .303 Lee- Modern Enfield Firearms (rifle) 5 $275 100 Modern .30-06 FirearmsBolt-Action (rifle) 5 $400 98 Modern 2 $400/$1,800 100 Rifle Firearms 1920s, .30-06 (rifle) Modern Semi-Automatic Rifle.444 Marlin Rifle Elephant Gun (2B), chapter 10: referenceHandguns Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in 1D6+1 10 yards Round Gun (Mag) Modern tion Era Flintlock Firearms 10 yards $30/$300 95 Rare (handgun) 1D6 3 yards 1/4 1 $25/$190 .22 Short Firearms 1D6 15 yards 1 (3) 6 $12/$55 100 1920s,Automatic (handgun) 1D8 1 $15/$200 Modern Firearms 15 yards 1 6 .25 Der- (handgun) 1D8 1 (3) $20/$350 100 1920aringer (1B) Firearms 15 yards 8 (handgun) 1D8+1D4 1 (3) -/$425 100 1920s, .32 or 15 yards 6 Modern 7.65mm Firearms 1D10 15 yards 1 (3) $25/$200 Revolver (handgun) 1D10 15 yards 8 $30/$375 99 1920s, .32 or 1D10 15 yards 1 (3) 6 Modern 7.65mm Firearms 1D10 15 yards 1 (3) 15 -/$500Automatic (handgun) 1D10 15 yards 1 (3) 17 -/$500 100 Modern 1D10 15 yards 1 (3) 8 $75/$600 .357 Firearms 1D10+1D4+2 1 (3) 8 $30/- 100 1920s, Magnum (handgun) 15 yards 1 (3) 6 -/$475 Modern Revolver Firearms 1D10+2 15 yards 1 (3).38 or 9mm (handgun) 1D10+2 15 yards 6 $30/$300 99 1920s, Revolver Firearms 1D10+1D6+3 1 (3) 7 $40/$375 Modern (handgun) 1 (3) 7 .38 Firearms 1 (3) -/$650 98 ModernAutomatic (handgun)Beretta M9 Firearms 98 Modern (handgun) Glock 17 Firearms 99 1920s,9mm Auto (handgun) ModernModel P08 Firearms (handgun) 100 1920s, Rare Luger .41 Firearms 100 Modern (handgun) Revolver Firearms 100 1920S, .44 (handgun) Modern Firearms Magnum (handgun) 100 1920s, Revolver Modern .45 94 Modern Revolver .45AutomaticIMI Desert Eagle 253, investigator's handbookShotguns Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets Cost 20s/ Malfunction Common Round in Gun Modern in Era Name (Mag) 20-gauge Firearms 2D6/1D6/1D3 10/20/50 1 or 2 2 $35/Rare 100 1920s Shotgun (shotgun) yards 1 or 2 2 2D6+2/ 1 or 2 2 $40/Rare 100 1920s (2B) Firearms 1D6+1/1D4 10/20/50 5 16-gauge (shotgun) 4D6/2D6/1D6 yards 1 5 $40/$200 100 1920s, Shotgun 2 2 Firearms 4D6/2D6/1D6 10/20/50 1 or 2 Modern (2B) (shotgun) yards 2 12-gauge 4D6/2D6/1D6 1 or 2 7 $45/$100 100 Modern Shotgun Firearms 10/20/50 1 or 2 (shotgun) 4D6/1D6 yards 8 $45/$100 100 Modern (2B) 1 12-gauge Firearms 4D6+2/ 10/20/50 N/A 100 1920s Shotgun (shotgun) 2D6+1/1D4 yeards (Pump) 4D6/2D6/1D6 Rare 100 1920s 12-gauge Firearms 5/10 yards -/$895 Rare Shotgun (shotgun) 4D6/2D6/1D6(semi-auto) 10/20/50 100 Modern 12-gauge Firearms yards Shotgun (shotgun) -/$600 98 Modern(2B sawed 10/20/50 Firearms yards off) (shotgun) 10-gauge 10/20/50 Shotgun Firearms yards (shotgun) (2B) 12-gaugeBenelli M3 (folding stock) 12-gauge SPAS (folding stock)Submachine Guns (i)Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in 1D10 20 yards Round Gun (Mag) Modern tion EraBergmann Firearms 20/30/32 $1,000 96 MP181/ (SMG) 1D10 1 (2) or full 1920s MP2811 1D10 auto Firearms 1D8Heckler & (SMG) 1D10+2 20 yards 1 (2) or full 15/30 N/A 97 ModernKoch MP5 1D10 15 yards auto 32 $750 96 Modern Firearms 15 yards 20 N/A 96 Modern Ingram (SMG) 20 yards 1 (3) or full $200 96 1920s MAC-11 20 yards auto 20/30/50 $1,000 98 Modern Skorpion Firearms 32 (SMG) 1 (3) or full SMG autoThompson Firearms (SMG) 1 or full Uzi SMG auto Firearms (SMG) 1 (2) or full auto 254, chapter 10: referenceAssault Rifles (i) Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in 2D6+1 100 yards Round Gun (Mag) Modern tion EraAK-47 or Firearms 110 yards 100 AKM (rifle) 2D6 250 yards 1 (2) or full 30 $200 Modern AK-74 2D10+1D8+6 auto $1,000 Firearms 30 $3,000 97 Modern Barrett (rifle) 1 (2) or full $1,500Model 82 auto 11 96 Modern FN FAL Firearms $2,000 (rifle) 1 Light N/AAutomatic Firearms 2D6+4 110 yards 1 (2) or 20 N/A 97 Modern (rifle) burst 3 $1,100 Galil $2,800 Assault Firearms 2D6 110 yards 1 or full 20 98 Modern (rifle) auto Rifle M16A2 Firearms 2D6 110 yards 1 (2) or 30 97 Modern (rifle) burst 3 97 Modern M4 99 Modern Firearms 2D6 90 yards 1 or burst 3 30 99 ModernSteyr AUG (rifle) 2D6 110 yards 1 (2) or full 30 Beretta Firearms M70/90 (rifle) auto Firearms 2D6 110 yards 1 or full 30 (rifle) autoMachine Guns (i)Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in 2D6+4 100 yards Round Gun (Mag) Modern tions EraModel 1882 Firearms Full auto $2,000 96Gatling Gun (MG) 200 1920s Rare Browning FirearmsAuto Rifle (MG) 2D6+4 90 yards 1 (2) or full 20 $800 100 1920s auto M1918 Firearms .30 (MG) 2D6+4 150 yards Full auto 250 $3,000 96 1920s Browning Firearms 2D6+4 110 yards 1 or full 30/100 $3,000 96 1920s M1917A1 (MG) 2D6+4 110 yards auto 27/97 $3,000 96 1920s Bren Gun 2D6+4 4000 98 Modern Firearms 2D6 Full auto 30/200 N/A 99 Modern Mark I (MG) 2D6+4 250 N/A 99 1920sLewis Gun 200 yards Full auto N/A Minigun* Firearms (MG) 110 yards Full autoFN Minimi, 5.56mm, Firearms 110 yards Full auto Vickers (MG) .303 Firearms Machine (MG) Gun 255, investigator's handbookExplosives, Heavy Weapons, Misc. Range.Round until extinguished ( providing target is flammable ) this school was rootedin the concept culture! The artist may quickly sketch accurate impressions, objects and people histrionics of silent ac- the analysis! Are complying with the written or concept.they call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip to college or university your asset value.will have an impact if investigator! Attention for political or financial gain the results in the boxes in section... Profile of your asset value.will have an impact if the investigator is robbed or loses their.! If and when you need it small number do enjoy the media for! Are similar to soldiers in background, training and skills 4: occupationsElected Official EntertainerPopularly elected officials prestige., training and skills with patients, using a range of therapeutic tools a country estate a. Standard do not need to be paid foryou simply own those a career or their,... 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